Train them? ???

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Beep beep beep
That was my annoying phone. Signaling I got a call.

Looking at the screen it was dad's, why is he calling me early in the morning. finally, I picked up to hear his fatherly comforting voice

"Hey princess what are you doing? ??" He asked sweetly and nervous at the same time.

"Just getting ready to leave to the same area where we last saw the wolves," I said.

I could sense something was wrong, when he is nervous it's never a good sign.

"Oh" he simply said making me suspicious

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked.  I knew him very well.

"Well....." he dragged

"Dad" warned him, he better say it quickly I am a very impatient person

"The werewolf king.... he .... he wants you to..... " he paused

'God this man' i thought, what is he so nervous about anyway

"Dad just say it already. I have to go" I yelled in frustration. I hate suspense.

"He wants you to train the howler pack," he said with it in a breath

"HE WANTS ME TO DO WHAT" I yelled I was beyond angry

"He wants you to train the howler pack " he repeated

"I know. I heard it but. why me??? We don't train wolves they are useless " I said. I can't stand them let alone train them.

"I know but that pack really need some help they are at the edge of being destroyed, only you can help," he said almost like he doesn't have a choice

"But-" I started but he cut me off

"It'     sss aooorderedddrd his voice full of authority

"As you wish. my King" I said in a very irritated voice and before he could say anything else. I disconnected the call

How can he do this!.

"Hey guys," I said to get Sarah's and Zeus's attention

"We have a problem," I said they both turned to look at me with confusion written clearly on their faces

"What is it," Zeus asked

"The Almighty King wants us to go train the howler pack," I said to receive growl from both of them we really don't like wolves

"Why??" Zeus yelled

"I don't know maybe cause 'it'ss at the edge of being destroyed' King's words not mine," I said equally frustrated

Before we continue talking the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, Sarah said walking towards the door

"What do you want" Sarah yelled from the living room

"Wolf" Zeus said, now what does he want.

Ande our way to Sarah who was growling at the intruder

"I am here to pick you all up," he said putting his hands in his pockets, I know him he is the beta who nearly died yesterday.

"Why," I asked angrily

"Didn't your King tell you. You will start training us today. everyone has started gathering around the training field" he said with a frown.

He is tall maybe 6 feet, blond hair, blue eyes, well built but I can say it a gym built body, not a worrier body.

I just glare at him

"You know glaring won't work, you have to come with me, everyone is waiting," he said frowning again

"Does it look like I care?" I said with a bored expression

" you don't have a choice," he said "so please come. we both don't have a choice " he said pleading, 'wow! this is new. a werewolf pleading to a hunter. I wish I had a camera right now this moment is epic' i thought to smirk at it

"Fine, "I said, "but we will be living in this very house sounds good??" I asked, seeing a hope flicker in his eyes

"Sounds good," he said grinning.

So we got changed into our training suit and went with him, 20 minutes later we were there.

It was a huge grey mansion, 4 stories it was huge, it was in the middle of the forest, after a few turns we reached an open field there were many people.

Reading my expression the beta whose name is Sam said " there are over 300 wolves but you have to train only 100 since they are young " he said walking towards them

As we followed Sam we were in front of the group, we stood there with our heads high, our spine straight.

As we stood there, we heard a word that caught everyone off guard


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