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I woke up in the middle of the night, gasping for air.

'Just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare ' i kept saying this to myself.

i was covered with sweat, my whole body was shaking.

So i did what i always do, i changed into my jogging suit and went out for a run, without letting Sarah and Zeus know.

I started running as fast as i could to remove all those horrible memories from my mind, i slow down somewhere in the forest. this land was noman's land so there were no pack wolves.

The moon was shining brightly in the sky, the sweet voice of sleeping animals, the calm sleepy forest calmed me down.

As i was relaxing i heard a twig break. i truned around to see 3 really huge wolves.

They were my shoulder height, all 3 wolves were grayish black, and let me tell you they did not look happy, they started snaring at me like i was the most disgusting thing they have ever seen.

And they started approaching towards me, i started searching for any weapons in my pocket but my luck. there weren't any.

If i were anyone else this was the moment i would be panicking but i just stood there strong, i never lose, i refuse to look weak, And you can't scare me.

They attacked me one by one, one threw me at the near by tree, i stood up ignoring the pain and tried to kick it. and i think i broke some ribs but other wolf bit my leg making it bleed, one wolf tried to scratch my face but i covered my face with my hands. my hands had deep cuts and next i was waiting for my death, at least i didn't die without trying.

I waited for the impact but it never came, instead the wovles backed away seeing something behind me.

As i was about to turn a loud rore was heard, a really huge wolf jumped from above me And he stood protective in front of me. he growled loudly making them bow their head in submission

The wolf was different then i have ever seen before. not because it was my height in its wolf form. but the colour which amazed me, it was not any black or white wolf but it is 'platinum'.

which was shinning under the moon light. His fur was long, shiny and looked soft and smooth.

The werewolf before me growled making the others bow in submission, the wolves made a move towards me but the platinum wolf stoped it again, like he was warning them not to take another step towards me.

I think they were mind linking. cause Few moments later the wolves backed away and went deep into the forest.

But the platinum wolf turned to see me, i was horribly bleeding, he took a step towards me and i backed away and my back hit a tree, it wimpered so i just slide and sat down, leaning on the tree and closed my eyes.

I felt something wet on my skin, i opened my eyes to see the wolf licking my wounds , i was shocked cause the cut was. healing??? How can this be possible.

"How" i said out loud, it caused him to stop and look at me like a lost puppy. his eyes stormy gray, i could never get tired looking at them they held so much comfort. he tilt his head and dropped his left ear making a really cute face. Wait cute??? Yeah i am definitely losing it or maybe its the blood loss.

He licked all my cuts healing them in the process. and before i know it my skin was back to normal, when he was done. he stepped back and sat in front of me.

"Hmm hi" i said awkwardly a few moments later.

He just nodded and i think he smiled

"I think i should go" i said getting up but he whimpered

"What's wrong? ?? You want me to stay?" I asked looking at him confused

He nodded smiling again

"Thanks for saving me " i said honestly, i really thought i was going to die tonight. if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be alive right now.

He nodded again

"Are you going to just keep on nodding? " i asked amused by the way he simply kept nodding

And again he nodded making me laugh lightly.

"I am Angel by the way" i said "what is your name? Or if you keep on just nodding then, can i name you if you don't mind" i said awkwardly.

I am definitely losing it, the reason i am nice to him is cause he saved me against his own kind. so maybe i can give a chance of liking them.

He nodded eagerly, i can't believe the wolf moment ago scared the hell out of the 3 huge wolves is nodding in front of me. so that i can name him, this is really Strange.

"How about storm it goes with your eyes" i said. He licked my face and eagerly nodded his head

"Then Storm it is" i said laughting while patting his head.

" the sun is almost up so i think its time to go" i said getting up, he whimpered again "we'll meet again i promise " i said making him lick my face again

"Are you from the howler pack? ?" I asked he shook his head no,

"Are you a rogue? ?" I asked he shook his head no again

"Ok fine you can tell me when you wish to speak with me. in human form" i said turning around.

But i don't remember the way back. i think he read my mind cause he nugged me and walked in front of me but he turned his head maybe saying me to follow him, so i did

We kept on walking in a calm silence it was very comforting i was pretty far away from my temporary house.

Wait how did he know where i live?.

"How do you know where i live??" I asked making him turn his head to my side, he just shrugged

"You have a lot of explanation to do in your human form" i said annoyed. i feel like i am talking to myself

10 minutes later we reached my house

"You can go now" i said moving towards my house. he just shook his head no.

I just shrugged and walked in, when i looked out my bedroom window he was still there so i waved bye.

He saw me waving and then he turend to go deep into the forest.

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