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"How was last night, dear?" Gothel asked.

"Oh, the usual," her Flower answered.

The day carried on with lessons, exercise, dress fitting, and everything a princess might have. But all Rapunzel could think about, was that certain white haired boy with the icy blue eyes.

She was relaxing on her bed in usual purple/pink attire, her head propped on one arm while the other was holding a book. She was pulled out her thoughts by a rock hitting her window.

Jack! she thought as she fell off the bed and scrambled to the window, quickly unlatching it and swinging the window open with full force.

But as she looked down out the window, she didn't see a mop of white, unruly hair, instead, she saw a perfectly gelled brunette.

"Ugh..." she muttered, as she stared at Flynn with a look that could kill.

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, and said, "You must be so captivated by my looks."

The nerve of the guy! Rapunzel thought, when an idea popped into her head.

"Honey, I need to get something for you!" she shouted with a flirtatious wink.

She hurried into her bathroom, filling the bucket with ice cold water, then filled a second bucket with syrup and melted butter.

"I am awaiting my gift!" Rapunzel heard as she finished filling both buckets.

Rapunzel smirked, thinking the fate Flynn would soon have.

"I am here, Darling," she smiled before dumping the syrup and melted butter on him.

"MY HAIR!" Flynn screeched, as he tried to fix his hair, while the syrup and butter dripped down his clothes and skin.

"Don't worry, Dear, there's more!" Rapunzel yelled before dumping the bucket of water.

Because it was so cold, it had made the syrup and butter freeze on him.

Rapunzel called Flynn very insulting words before slamming the window shut.

There was loud knock on her bedroom door.

"Not now, Mother. I am trying to finish my studies," Rapunzel lied through gritted teeth as she thought of Flynn and his large ego.

"Are you sure you don't want to see me?" a masculine voice whispered from the other side of the door.

Rapunzel flung the door open, pulled the boy inside, closed the door, then hugged him.

"I missed you, Jack..." Rapunzel muttered into his jacket, smiling.

"It's only been a few hours, Punzie..." Jack whispered, hugging her back, "but I missed you too."

There was a second loud bang on the door.

"Jack, hide!" Rapunzel whispered urgently, pushing him towards her small private closet.

As Jack close the doors, Rapunzel opened her bedroom doors to see her royal dress fitter. The stylist pushed five boxes of dresses into Rapunzel's room and told her to try them on. Whatever she didn't want, she should place outside the door, while the others, she should put in her walk-in closet.

Rapunzel smiled, thanked the stylist, and then closed the door.

Jack slowly get out of the closet, then looked at Rapunzel and the boxes.

"So you're going to change, huh?" Jack smirked, wiggling his eyebrows in a playful way.

"Jack! That's so inappropriate!" Rapunzel laughed, "These are for my birthday ball tomorrow. I'm turning 18."

"Oh... You're old!" Jack said, playfully pushing her shoulder, "I'm turning 18 next week!"

"Old?! I'm older than you by only a week!" Rapunzel playfully glared at him as she walked into the bathroom with one box marked, lavender.

Rapunzel had sent Jack out of her room, so being dressed in a guard outfit, he marched down the length of the castle for hours. He and Rapunzel ate dinner together in her room, Rapunzel claiming she still had to try on dresses.

They spent the rest of the evening together, until Jack had to leave.

"You'll come to my birthday ball tomorrow, right?" Rapunzel asked, handing him the envelope with an invitation to get into the party.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Jack smiled before giving her a final kiss for the night. Rapunzel watched Jack climb down a ladder she had place near her balcony window.

"I'll be waiting," Rapunzel whispered quietly, smiling to herself.

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