The trip home

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Abri's P.O.V

the whole trip home was silent I thought I should I should say something but I had nothing to say I was just so confused why was he stressed I understand he was scared because I was in the hospital but why was he stressed was it because of the band. I just need something to relax me. Then it came to me "Lou..." I said my voice drifting off "yes love what is it" he said in that cute Doncaster accent "can we go to the beach next week since we are going to be in California for the tour?" I asked really hopeful that he would say yes "of course we can" he basically screamed I giggled and he took my hand and kept driving.

........................... 10 min later.............

We got home and every one was there all the boys,mom,dad,Liam,dani and my lovely sisters Ruth and Nicola they all ran and hugged me one at a time cause I really don't like small spaces they drive me crazy I really missed all of them they are all my family like almost literally I feel like the boys are family and then all the other are family. When they were done hugging me to death Liam came over to me I looked strait in his eyes and there was a shine that I haven't seen in a long time "Abri, Harry never told you he has a girlfriend now!!!" He said I think that him and dani have been fighting and they stopped its like that all the time. And then I saw her Taylor swift the Taylor swift that took my boyfriend in 7th grade I hate her more than anything in this world. My smile dropped as soon as that memory came into my head "what's wrong........." Liam asked turning around as soon as me and Taylor came eye to eye she stomped over here "fancy seeing you here are you now Liam Payne's charity case " she asked really rudely (ps I love Taylor swift it just a story) I just burst into tears and ran away............

Authors note

OMG 24 reads yay , vote , comment ,fan whatever you unicorns do

Love Aliya may the epic ness be with you

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