Chapter 23.

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Breakfast would have been better if Mike and Kellin weren't here. Kellin finished first and left, Mike watched him leave then turned his atrention to me.

"You're an idiot." He spoke.

"Don't worry, I know you Kellin cheated on me with you. Tjats why I broke up with him."

"Did you let him explain."

"There was nothing to explain I heard the nosies, he came out andnhisnhair messy and 5ou had shirt on. That was cheated written all over it."

"Wow, you're a fucking prick you know that. Kellin is so upset because you're breaking him. I'll explain to what actually happened."

I sat there is shock after Mike explained to me what happend between Kellin and himself. I'm so fucking stupid. An idiot who didn't even give the chance to explain.

"Shit. Mike im so sor-"

"Save it. By the way he originally came to my room to ask what he should get you."

"Why'd he want to randomly get me something?"

"It was your month anniversary. He thought it'd be nice to get you something as you made it through a whole month but instead he got dumped."

Well now I feel really bad. I didn't even kmow he kept track of how long we'd been together. I need to make it up to him and give him a late anniversary gift that'll win him back. But how will I do so... I have the best idea ever. First I need to go out.


Kellin's P.O.V

"I just can't believe he didn't let me explain at all Mike. Anyways, three days is up. I'm leaving in a few minutes."

"Back to Florida?"

"Nope, Chavez."

"Woah, seriously?"

"Yeah. She apologised a lot."

"Oh, welk good luck and all. Vic, he'll see sense now he knows the truth."


"Bye." I left Mike's room and saw rose petals in a trail that led to Vic's room. Obviously the most cliché thing to domis folloe the trail but I don't care for whatever it is he's doing. Im getting my bag and leaving. I went into the guest room I was staying in and my jaw dropped completely.

"Vic... wha-"

"It's not Vic. For now I'm... Victoria no, I don't like that name. I'm Viola."

"What are you doing?"

"Well, when I first met you, you were Kally. You dressed as a girl for so long to get revenge on me, to make me feel hurt. You did so much. Like you said went I asked you to be my boyfriend, Kally basically got a cafeteria spot light and Kellin got the kitchen. So this time Kellin got... Viola. I love you Kellin and I'm sorry that I just jumed to a conclusion and didn't let you explain. I don't want you to leave I need you, honest. Please, don't leave me. So Kellin. Will you be my boyfriend again?"

"You seriously dressed as a girl, for me?"

"Yes. Please answer because these boobs are fucking annoying how do girls survive."

"You make a cute girl... I will happily be your boyfriend again."
and that's how Vic and I got back together.


Short chapter because I really wanted it to end like that. Nothing further.

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