chapter five

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Hey guys!
here's chapter 5.
sorry it took so long, I was pretty busy this weekend.
alright well enjoy.
please comment, rate and all that shit.
I love you guys!!
thanks for reading,

I stared at the clock, watching the hand move at an insanely slow speed. my face was rested on my hand and my mouth hung open, probably drooling slightly out of boredom. my teacher (the most cliche, boring English teacher on the face of the planet) droned on and on about something I couldn't care less about. her bony fingers pointing at the variety of points on the board, something about characterization. I blinked hard, trying to bring some life into my body, but I still found my eyelids drooping every ten seconds.

time seemed to stand still in this class.

suddenly, I felt a piece of paper hit me in the back of the head, I turned, slightly annoyed that someone was interrupting me from my almost-nap.
I was ready to give some pretty serious glares to the culprit, but when I turned around, the only person I saw looking at me was Henry, who had a mischievous smile on his tanned face.
I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out.
he smiled at me, a beautiful smile.
then, he pointed to the piece of crumpled up paper at my feet.
I mouthed,
"what?" to him. and he nodded forcefully at the paper, edging me to pick it up.
"read it!" he mouthed, his hair falling in his eyes. he brushed it aside and leaned back in his seat, muscular arms crossed across his chest, pretending to listen intently to what the teacher was saying.
I rolled my eyes once more and bent down in my seat to retrieve the page.
I uncrumpled it and tried to smooth the crinkles to read what it said.
do you think Ms. Owens knows that nobody is listening?
I smiled, trying not to laugh as I turned back to him. he had a huge grin on his face and I could tell he was about to laugh too.
I shook me head at him, trying to answer his question.
he held his hand out to get the paper back.
I threw it to him and he caught it expertly, smoothing it out once more and writing another message.
he then tossed it to me carefully, making sure I didn't drop it.
I'm not a pro athlete or anything, but I can catch a piece of paper.
I opened it.
check your phone.
I furrowed my eyebrows, but obliged, carefully pulling my cell phone out of my jean pocket and unlocking it under the desk, making sure Ms. Owen didn't see.
there was a new text from Henry's number:

from: Henry😊-
glad you're coming over today;) xx

I smiled to myself.
he was so sweet.

to: Henry😊-
me too! I can't wait to hang with yourself guys:)))

from: Henry😊-
;) Luca seems pretty fond of you, you know?

to: Henry😊-
yeah he's really nice... I'm glad we're friends now... all of us.

from: Henry😊-
me too;)

to: Henry😊-
Ms Owens is looking at us. we should stop texting :\

from: Henry😊-

to: Henry😊-

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and tried hard to pretend that I was paying attention. I turned around and saw Henry sending me a sly smile. I rolled my eyes and faced the front of the class once more.

after what seemed like days, the bell finally rang, signally second period. I grabbed my binder and shoved it harshly into my backpack, ignoring my teacher telling us to sit back down. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and stuck an earbud in my left ear, blaring the sounds of random bands to tune out the muse of random voices in the halls.

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