chapter eight

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Hello my lovelies.
How's your day going?
*pretends I hear an answer*
oh hey awesome, me too.
so I've really been liking writing from Luca's point of view... it's more entertaining to write. also, I might be adding a few more P.O.V. changes with different characters, I'm not sure.
okay well let me know what you guys think.
also, I am SUPER sorry for not writing in a while. I was having a large case of writers block, plus we just had fall break and I've been really busy.
I promise to be much more active in the future... maybe even more than one update a week.
love you guys<3
thanks for reading!!

Blair's P.O.V.

I hadn't seen Luca all day.
that morning when I entered the hallway, I made my way to my locker, where everyone usually meets before class. Henry was there typing violently on a game on his phone, his eyebrows furrowed and a small smile on his tanned face.
Eli was next to him, sending winks at almost everyone that passed, I smiled to myself at his ludacris actions.
Joey stood looking bored, her hands twisting together in front of her, looking as if she was only somewhat listening to what Graham was excitedly saying to her.
I made my way over to them, my boots lightly tapping on the hard, dirty floor,
"morning, guys." I said lightly, without much enthusiasm. Joey looked up lazily as if finding an excuse not to listen to Graham any longer. Eli turned to me, a smile already on his face. even Henry looked up from his phone for a split second to give me a small smile before continuing his game.
"morning, Blair... have you seen Luca today?" Eli asked, a confused look on his chubby face.
I shook my head,
"I was about to ask you guys the same question"
Graham rolled his eyes,
"he probably just slept in like the lazy ass he is. he'll be here by second period, I guarantee it"
I nodded, but deep down I knew there was something wrong. however, like the idiot I am, I swallowed down my doubts and changed the subject.
"Henry, did you study for that pop quiz today?"
his head shot up at an unbelievably fast speed,
"we had a quiz?! how did you even know about it if it's a pop quiz?!"
I rolled my eyes at him,
"Ms. Owens told us about it yesterday. she said she was going to be nice and give us a head-start on it....?"
Henry's eyes bulged out of his head, a truly terrified look on his face,
"fuck. my mom said if I got another F, I was grounded."
I stifled a laugh,
"you know, maybe if you actually payed attention in class...."
he sent me an annoyed glare and shoved my shoulder lightly, the white long sleeve shirt on his arm riding up and showing me a bit more of his dark skin.
I smiled at him innocently, laughing slightly, but the uneasy feeling about Luca had returned and it was clogging my thoughts. however, school didn't actually start for another 30 minutes. I shouldn't start panicking unless I don't see him third period.
"alright losers, my class is in the CTE building so I gotta run. see you at lunch?" Joey said, walking backwards to the doors to the school.
Henry nodded, but he still looked pretty worried about this pop quiz he'd just found out about. I laughed inwardly, trying not to make fun of him.
"Henry, you need to relax. it's not even that big of a quiz."
he looked up at me with wide eyes,
"doesn't matter! If I fail I'll be grounded. ugh everything suuuuuucks."
now I actually laughed.
Eli joined in,
"Henry. you're such a failure. I can't believe you didn't study for a pop quiz. you have dishonored your family and will never be loved by another." he said, giggling. Henry shot him a glare,
"yeah laugh it up. you're not the one who has to stay in your house for a month listening to your younger sister banging on her play drums."
Eli didn't stop laughing and Henry just sighed, exasperated, running a hand through his thick dark hair. today it seems even more styled than it has been before, if possible.
Graham looked between all of us, shaking his head, his brown curls bouncing around on his head,
"y'all are crazy." he mumbled.
Eli turned his laughing face towards Graham,
"did-did you just-just say 'ya'll'?" he gasped between laughs, the pale on his cheeks tinting red. Graham looked around, confused,
"what's wrong with that?! it's the language of the south!"
Eli laughed even harder,
"we don't even live in the goddamn south, you nut job."
Graham let out a sigh, clearly sick of Eli always being on,
"I'm being multicultural...jesus." he muttered under his breath, rubbing his eyes,
"I'm too tired for your shit this morning." he said soon after.
Eli shrugged,
"that's what you get for being friends with me. sorry but it's part of the package. I can't be completely perfect, now can I? that just wouldn't be fair for all the non-Eli-like boys out there."
I let out a soft laugh, but Graham looked even more irritated,
"I'll see you guys at lunch, I'm gonna go somewhere where there isn't a headache with legs."
"see ya" Eli said, going in for a high-five. Graham ignored him and kept walking, a sour look on his face.
Eli turned to me and Henry, a smile still on his face,
"what the fuck is his issue?"
Henry chuckled lightly, putting his phone in his pocket and patted Eli on the shoulder,
"not everyone is as charismatic in the mornings as you, buddy."
Eli sighed and ran a hand through his white hair,
"you're right, Henry boy, the world would be a much better place if everyone was like me."
Henry shook his head,
"please, God no. I would kill myself."
Eli giggled,
"then it should definitely be a thing. I should spread the word."
he said, smiling like a maniac.
I laughed, running a hand through my hair,
"yes. by all means. go."
his smile only grew as he grabbed all the stuff out of his locker, shoved it inside his backpack and began to walk away,
"I'll see you guys at lunch, okay?"
he said. we nodded, trying to contain our laughs.
with that, he began to run down the halls, flailing his bat arms screaming,
"ELI FOR PRESIDENT!!" and giving high fives to some really confused freshman.
"where did you find him" I asked, looking at Henry's amused face.
"he was left on my doorstep." he said, grinning.

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