letters to luna

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disclaimer: this is a short story, so please keep that in mind. harry styles is only used as an actor. nothing less, nothing more. the lower case is intended and i hope this book makes you reflect back on loss and how it feels to miss a person so dear to you. i do not plan for this book to become a sequel, but if i get inspiration- i might. do not commit plagiarism, or anything close. if you have anything to ask about this book so far, pm me or comment (duh).

cover credits: @watercolourskies

started: 11/09/2015

finished 28/09/2015


letters to luna | h.s | short story

luna was the moon. my moon. but now, the moon is luna. he took her away from me. away from everything she loved.

a story in which harry is still in love with a girl who has been taken by the moon,

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