28. A Breath of Fresh Air

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* * * July 28 * * *

Bambi and Matt had only been back in Japan for a few days, but L made sure to get them back up to speed with the case. Apparently they had no leads whatsoever, only the confusion that came with criminals being killed again while their prime suspects were locked up in cells. Soon after arriving at headquarters, Bambi was assigned to write a new program to find Kira's victims and patterns in hopes of leading to a new profile. Thankfully, Watari had all her belongings shipped to her new suite, including her computer – which was far more powerful than her laptop or anything else they had at headquarters.

Over the past several days, the brunette had also learned that Matsuda was acting as Misa's manager to keep an eye on her while she wasn't at headquarters – and L made sure to keep her away as often as possible. After the blonde learned that Bambi was just spying on Light at To-Oh as a part of the Kira investigation, she became very friendly with her. Although the hacker only really saw her in the hallway between their suites, Misa would often stop to converse. While Bambi was unable to place the reason, the blonde reminded her of Melinda quite a bit – and she took solace in that.

Amy was currently down on the investigation floor with the rest of the task force, sitting next to L and Light as she explained how her latest program analyzed heart attack deaths. As she explained what made this program more automated than the last one the elevator doors opened, revealing Misa and Matsuda.

The blonde jovially bounced to the center of the room as she announced, "Guess what? I just got the lead role in a movie! We're going to start working on it next week."

Bambi smiled as she turned around. "Wow! Congratulations, Misa! What kind of movie is it?"

"It's a romantic comedy!" the budding actress told her.

Misa received words of congratulations from Matt, Soichiro, L, and Light before pecking her boyfriend on the cheek and retreating to her room. After Bambi finished up her explanation, she noticed Soichiro approach his son and sit down beside him.

"What's wrong, Light? You don't seem happy about Misa's success," he began with a concerned tone in his voice.

Bambi and L watched the brunet as he sighed and confessed, "I am happy for her, but lately I've noticed that I don't really like her anymore. Yes, she's nice, but she's not on my mental level and it drives me crazy just to talk to her."

As Soichiro nodded understandingly, L chimed in. "You should keep dating her anyway, Light. She's pretty, and we need her under control."

The hacker furrowed her eyebrows. "What?! That's a terrible basis for a relationship. Don't listen to him, Light."

Soichiro put a hand on his son's shoulder, making the teen turn to face him. "Just do what you think is right."

The brunet nodded and pursed his lips for a few moments before dragging L to the elevator, presumably to talk to Misa.

Amelia frowned as she watched them disappear, hoping that Light wouldn't listen to L's horrible advice. A few minutes passed before she gave up on seeing either of them anytime soon, so she stood and approached the rest of the Wammy Teams to start going through the evidence with them.

It took quite some time for the pair of geniuses to return, but the hacker was so focused on her task that she didn't bother to speak to either of them. Late into the night, long after the Japanese detectives returned to their homes, Bambi finally decided to retire to her quarters. After bidding goodnight to her remaining coworkers, she entered the elevator and let it take he to the floor she shared with Misa.

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