32. Omnipresence

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* * * October 23 * * *

It was the Monday after the annual gala and Bambi was currently sitting at her desk, working away another dull day. There were no Kira murders reported until Saturday afternoon, giving more proof that Kira was present at the gala. Of course, the fact that attendance was mandatory didn't help the investigators narrow down any suspects. Still, it serves as more definitive proof that the murderer is an employee at the large company.

When she finally had a moment to breathe between calls, Sora teasingly called out, "So who was that cute guy you were dancing with on Friday?"

The corners of Amy's lips curved into a soft smile as her cheeks flushed a light pink. "That was my boyfriend."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, wow. I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Cool." She nodded to herself before getting back to work.

Following in her coworker's footsteps, Bambi continued on her own tasks for a while before deciding to heed nature's call. The teen excused herself before making her way to the nearest restroom. No one was in there – all stalls empty when she closed the main door. After switching off her surveillance necklace, she went about her business.

All was still silent when she finished and began washing her hands in front of the mirror. Just as the hacker was about to turn off the water, she caught a glimpse of something moving behind her shoulder. She looked up with a raised eyebrow to focus on the image in the mirror when a huge and terrifying monster appeared directly behind her and covered her mouth with a hand that was easily as big as her face.

Her eye went wide as a scream ripped through her lungs, muffled by the hand. She writhed in a panicked attempt to break free of this thing's grasp. It restrained her with its other arm, lifted the teen off the floor somewhat.

The monster sounded somewhat irritated as it spoke, the voice clearly belonging to a female. "Amelia, you need to calm down. I come with an offering, not to harm you."

Bambi stopped struggling and furrowed her eyebrows, though her rapid heartbeat and breaths gave away her fears. Was this Kira's true form? She glanced to the door only to find that it was locked and soon realized that cooperation was her only option for survival. When she finally stopped struggling, the monster set her back down on her feet.

With the brunette's unspoken sign of agreement, the monster began again. "I am Rem, the shinigami of the second Kira, but I have been lent to who you are calling the Yotsuba Kira. I have been watching you and I know that you are one of L's agents."

She paused for a moment, her hand still covering the teen's mouth. "The Yotsuba Kira is suspicious of you and is planning to get you alone. I am loyal only to the second Kira, and I come with an offer to help you catch this Kira and get a confession – I understand that is important to you humans."

"I am going to give you the information you need to convince this Kira that you are the second Kira and get your confession," Rem continued. "I would guess that L will be watching through that necklace of yours to see it. I want you to do this alone. If you tell any of your associates about this plan, I will kill you."

She then released the agent, allowing her to turn and face the shinigami.

A nervous laugh escaped Amelia's lips. "W-Well, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound like I have much of a choice. I-I'll do it."

"You should memorize this for your confrontation," Rem told her before beginning her explanation. "The tool that Kira uses to kill is called the death note. It is a book used by shinigami to take human lives from the shinigami realm. There are rules and limitations to the death note, and the most important rule is that the human whose name is written in the death note will die. The note will not take effect unless the user pictures his face, so people with the same name are not affected. If the cause of death is written within forty seconds of the name, it will happen. If not, the subject will just die of a heart attack. After writing the cause of death, the details should be written within the next six minutes and forty seconds. If the owner of a death note does not write names for thirteen days consecutively, he will die. If the death note is burned or destroyed, everyone who has touched it will die."

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