Chapter 5

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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, school started. And homework
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Anyways, I forgot to do this one the first chapter so..  This book is dedicated to Shadowthehedgehog592 because they are the most amazing person ever, and the reason I'm writing this book, they drew a thing and ye. I said I would write a book about it so ye. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 5

Shadows pov.

I woke up and Silver was no longer laying on my chest, he was cuddled up against the wall of the hut. I turned away from Silver to look at Sonic and he wasn't there. A small frown formed on my face when I saw this, I wasn't looking forward to maybe racing him again today. I stood up and wrote, be back in a bit -Shadow, in the sand incase Silver woke up while I was gone.

I walked outside and started to run around the island looking for Sonic.
I called his name a few times before hearing light snores coming from above me in the forest. I looked up and saw sonic asleep in a tree. I climbed the tree and set my hand on his shoulder before chaos controlling onto the ground beneath us, I didn't want to risk waking him up and having him fall. He awoke with a start when we landed on the ground. I quickly hugged him so he wouldn't land on his face. He regained his balance quickly and I let go of him. He looked at me and blushed looking at the ground.

"Why were you in the that tree?" I asked him.

"Oh, I umm.." He trailed off. "I was just sitting up here last night doing stuff.. I guess I fell asleep." He said embarrassed.

"Okay, well do you want to head back to the hut now and make sure the fire is still lit?" I asked.

"Yeah, race you there." He yelled, counting down from three.. Two.. One.. We took off and reached the fire in a matter of seconds.

"I win!" Sonic cockily yelled.

"Hmph, I won." I said crossing my arms.

"Not a chance. I won!" He yelled beck at me.

"Tie." Silver yelled from the hut. We turned around and walked back to hut to say good morning to silver.

"Where did you two run off to?" Silver asked us.

"Sonic was sleeping in a tree." I stated. "I woke him up."

"What where you doing in a tree?" Silver asked Sonic.

I saw sonics face heat up in embarrassment, "Um.. I was just sitting up there last night and fell asleep." He said with a small chuckle.

"Good Job." Silver said

"Anyways.. What should we do today?" I asked

"We can go into the forest and see if we can gather some stuff." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Silver said.

"Okay let's go." Sonic said. We walked towards the forest and picked up some of the woven baskets we had on the way. We searched around for anything we could use but it wasn't going so well. All I had in my basket was some large leaves for plates and my gun which only had a few bullets left.

"Should we give up?" Silver asked with nothing in his basket.

"Well we haven checked the village yet." Sonic remembered.

"Good idea let go do that." I suggested and we all headed to the village. It didn't look any different than before. Silver and I quietly chatted while looking around, we picked up some pots and vases, because they might be useful.

"Whoa." Sonic said kneeling down.

"What is it?" I asked, walking over to him, silver followed.

"It's a knife!" Sonic yelled holding it up in the air. It looked like a sharpened piece of bone on a piece of wood,  held together by dried sap and twine.

"Awesome!" Silver yelled, wagging his tail.

Sonic tapped his finger on the knife and confirmed that it was sharp.

"This is amazing. We can use this for all sorts of things. Like hunting, gathering, just.. stuff," I said examining the knife in sonics hands. Sonic set it in his basket and we continued to look for any other items. After finding some sharpened arrow heads and some string in the remains or their houses, we decided to head back. Sonic tried out the knife and ended up killing a decent sized snake that we carried back to 'camp.' Sonic skinned the snake without any difficulty and we cooked it up for lunch. Silver finished early and decided to wade in the ocean, leaving sonic and I on our logs by the fire pit.

"I never asked you this, but why did you want to go to Hawaii so suddenly?" I asked quietly. Sonic swallowed the bit of snake he was eating and opened his mouth to speak.

"Some stuff happened back home and I just wanted to get away."

"Like what stuff?"

"Well you know how Amy broke it off a little while ago?"

"Yeah.." I said urging him to say more.

"Well, the reason she broke it off was to get together with someone else.."


"Sally." He said softly looking down.

"I'm sorry.." I said slightly confused, I had never imagined Amy to be lesbian, it was a small shock, but it's all cool.

"I mean if she's happy, but I never expected her to be gay." He said sadly. I stood up from my log and walked over to Sonic, giving him a hug.

"It'll be okay in the long run, there will always be other people." I said smiling in his ear. I pulled away and offered my hand out to him, he gladly took it and we walked to the shore line with Silver.

"The snake was awesome! Thanks Sonic!" Silver said hugging Sonic. Which I admit was really cute, Silver stick his tongue out at me and I realized he was just jealous. He's cute when he's jealous.

Some time passed and it was finally night time we all laid down in the sand in the hut and went to sleep, Sonic on one side of me and Silver on the other, I was happy to be here with the guys I love.

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