Chapter 7

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I got in a writing mood, took advantage of if and write this. Enjoy!
Sonics pov.

I couldn't get the feeling out of my head. The joy and embarrassment from yesterday. Being that close to shadow, with our faces right in front of each other. I felt my ears go hot thinking about it. I rolled over to look at shadow, but all I saw was Silver laying in Shadow's spot.

"Good morning." I mumbled to the sleepy Silver.

"Hi. Shadow went for a walk. He didn't want to wake you up so he told me to tell you." He smiled sitting up. He leaned his back against the back of the hut. I joined him.

"Thanks for informing me. Do you know when he will be back?" I asked.

"Uhm.. Any minute now I would think."

"Okay. Wanna play tic-tac-toe in the meantime?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He smiled.

We ended up playing tic-tac-toe for a lot longer than expected. About five minutes later I began to worry.

"Do you think he is okay?" I asked silver. "It's taking him awfully long."

"Do you think we should look for him?" He asked, worried now by my statement.

"Yeah." We stood up and began searching for Shadow. We started on one side of the island, looking by trees and rocks. After searching for a solid ten minutes we finally found him.

"Sonic come quick!" An urgent voice yelled from a few feet away. Silver was kneeling my Shadow's body. My heart hurt when I saw his pale face.

"He's barely breathing!" Silver yelled, tears in his eyes. I ran over to him and put my head on his chest. There was only a small heartbeat left.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"I-I don't k-know!" Silver sobbed holding onto shadows arm.

I glanced over Shadows body. He seemed to have knocked himself out somehow. I told Silver this. He wiped away some of his tears and stood up.

"I'll carry him back to the hut. You go get some water for him." He grabbed Shadow with his psychokinesis and carried him back to the hut. I listened to his orders and went down to the stream and got a pot full of water. I carried the water back to the camp and walked into the hut where Shadow was laying on a bed of moss and leaves.

Silver was right beside him, holding his hand. He was rubbing little circles in Shadow's Palm. Silver looked sadder than I had seen him before. He was crushed.

"I got you the water." I told him. He looked up from shadow and nodded his head acknowledgment. He got up and walked over to the fire, placing the pot of water over the fire. I turned around and looked at Shadow. His pale face looked so sad and vulnerable without his trademark smirk. I closed my eyes and held back tears. I needed to say strong, but I worried. My newfound feelings for Shadow aren't going to go away anytime soon. Plus losing my best friend would be rough. I had to look on the positive side and tell myself Shadow is going to be alright.

"Sonic..?" A raspy voice said in front of me. I opened my eyes and Shadow's eyes were slightly opened.

"Shadow!" I gasped. "Are you okay?"

"No. Everything hurts. One second I'm walking through the forest and then I feel light-headed. Then I'm here." He said slowly losing consciousness again.

"No Shadow.. Come on.." I mumbled. I turned around and saw Silver walking towards us with a bowl in his hand, along with a drinking vase.

"Anything happen?" He asked.

"He woke up for a second and he told me he was light headed and that's all he could remember." I rambled.

"Hmm." He hummed and he set down the bowl and vase.

"What did you make?" I asked him, staring down at the bowl.

"Chicken broth soup. I found some vegetables and put them in there as well." He said sounding proud of himself.

"Nice. That sounds really good."

"Our bowls are sitting by the fire pit. Do you want to go eat?" He asked me.

"That would be nice." I said with a small smile.

We said goodbye to Shadow and walked over to the fire pit to eat. Silver grabbed a bowl for me and himself. I thanked him and we ate.

"He will be okay.. Right?" Silver asked. I turned to look at the hut. Shadow was laying peacefully on his makeshift bed.

"He will be alright." I said reassuringly. "We just need to take care of him and he will be fine."

Silver gave me a weak smile.

I just hope.. Shadow does get better...

Sorry it was a little bit shorter, I wrote it in approximately three days. I hope you enjoyed. :3

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