Night terrors

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Near's POV
~1 week later~

Every night Matt would kick or shove Mello out of the bed, Mello would cuss, I would tell him he could sleep with me and he would sleep on the floor. When I woke up today Mello was gone.


"He's in the shower." I looked over to Matt an saw him playing a video game.


Matt put down his game and came and sat beside me, he began to pay my knee.

"I'm sorry Near"

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm trying to help you get Mello by pushing him out of bed but he's just to stubborn. He'll come around eventually."

I blushed slightly "w-what do you meant eying to help me get Mello..."

"Please Near, you're totally into him"

I blushed even more "is it that obvious?"

"It's painful how obvious it is and yet Mello doesn't notice it."

"Please don't tell him"

"Your secrets safe with me."

Mello exited the washroom and I looked up at him. He was only wearing a small towel my heart fluttered.

Mello's POV

When I went back into the main part of our room I was in only a towel my hair still wet and dripping down my back. I saw Near and Matt watching me, near was looking up through his eyelashes and it took all of the strength I had not to just run over and kiss him until his lips bruised.

"Great I get a god damn audience" I mumbled before going over to my dresser and taking off my towel. I quickly slipped into a pair of boxers.

I finished getting dressed and left quickly not wanting to hear any of Matt's stupid jokes at the moment.

Matt's POV

After Mello left I nudged Near
"Damn am I right" I said grinning at Near I loved seeing him get all flushed and uncomfortable.

Near look embarrassed "don't worry Near friends joke like that all the time"

"I'm your...friend?"

"Of course you are, why don't you eat with me and Mels today?"

"If Mello's alright with it."

"He'll live" I said quickly grabbing Near's hand and running after Mello.

Near's POV

Everybody seemed shocked to see me entering the cafeteria holding Matt's hand, to be honest so was I. We went to the line and Mello darted over.

"Why the f*ck are you two holding hands!" Mello hissed. He ripped my hand out of Matt's and held onto it for a second before dropping it.

"Answer the question" Mello said looking rather tense.

"Matt just took my hand" I answered as Matt giggled at Mello.

"Did you want him to?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Matt stop molesting fluff ball" Mello said angrily

"Ooh playing the jealous boyfriend are we? Who's the lucky guy?" Matt said laughing

"Neither" Mello spat "now get your f*cking food and sit down." Then he stormed off

"Fluff ball?" I said aloud

"Take it as a compliment, Mello's not one to get affectionate, that's the closest he gets to it."

I nodded and smiled slightly

~later that night~

Mello was kicked out of bed again. He groaned.


"No Near I am not going to accept your offer" Mello said cutting me off so I tried something a little different this time.

"Mello please?"

Mello stared at me looking confused "what?"

"Please get in the bed. I don't like seeing you sleep on the floor like a dog."
Mello kept staring at me debating if he should get in or not
'Maybe if we lay together he'll kiss me...' Mello got up and slid on the bed

"Stay on your side!" He growled
I turned and looked at him.

"I'm not going to do anything Mello."

"I'm clearly not getting a kiss tonight'

~later that night~

I woke up sobbing from another night terror. I always hated getting them because they were the only thing that I ever cried about. I found that I was sat up and wrapped in a warm pair of arms. I started to struggle.

"Shhh, Near its okay. It's just Mello."

I pulled away from them to make sure that it really was Mello. When I saw that it was I crawled in between his legs, latched my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his chest and cried. He pulled my head back and caressed my cheek.

"It's alright Near, it was just a dream, you're safe here."

Mello dried my eyes with the sleeve of his sweater and kissed my eyelids.
I started crying again, I was no longer scared just confused. Very confused, Mello was messing with my heart and head. He continued to softly kiss my face.

I wanted him to kiss my lips and I wanted to kiss him back but I wasn't going to push my luck. As Mello kissed me he held me close making me feel loved.

"Don't cry" he whispered "it's alright"

His touches were calming. I started to get sleepy but I didn't want to sleep I wanted to stay here cuddled up in Mello's chest.


"Yes Near?"

"When I wake will you promise me you'll still be holding me, that I'll still be in your arms"

Mello kissed my forehead "go to sleep Near"

~the next morning~

I shivered slightly and reached out for Mello's warmth but I couldn't find him. I opened my eyes and saw that Mello wasn't there. 'He must be in the shower' I say up and saw Mello on the floor.


He moaned and rolled over "what?" He said still not opening his eyes.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"Matt kicked me out of bed"

"But you came and payed with me"

Mello lazily opened one eye and raised an eyebrow "no"

"Yeah you did and you comforted me"

"Did someone drug you? Because I did not do that sh*t" Mello said as he got up and changed.
Mello went to breakfast once he left I whimpered slightly. It woke Matt up.

"Near what happened?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

An: haha I finished another one! So what do you think? I ended up using all three POV so yay! I was think of changing the name to When I Wake. Should I? Thanks for reading hope you liked it:)

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