Chapter 29: Trouble In Paradise

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Dan woke up the next morning and was greeted by already-made breakfast. Phil was really getting into the habit of living with the other boy, now his own empty apartment seemed so cold and far away from where he wanted to be. They spent most of their day cuddling and watching tv, but soon enough it was time for Dan to leave, so he got prepared and was on his way to head out the door.

"Wait! Before you go," Phil said, grabbing Dan's wrist and pulling him back into himself.

He wrapped his arms around Dan's waist.

"I love you," Phil smiled, kissing Dan's lips. "I'll be here when you get back, okay?"

He gave him some more kisses. Phil didn't like having to let Dan go alone to work, he wanted to be there right away if someone hurt him, but he had some work to do before his radio show and couldn't spend every night at the club. He said goodbye and hopped onto the couch, opening his computer to get to work for the next few hours.

Dan's night went surprisingly well, so he was in a good mood when he arrived home. He was relaxed and at ease, the opposite to most nights where he was either physically frustrated or just plain exhausted. He came home and saw Phil still working at his computer.

"Hey, baby, why you still working? It's late," he said, sitting next to him and giving him a sideways hug, yawning.

"Yeah, I've gotten used to staying up late with you though," Phil said, setting his computer on the coffee table.

He noticed Dan seemed a lot more relaxed then usual. It was confusing him already- even on nights where it was just plain sex, he was tense when he was done.

"How was your night?" Phil asked, turning toward Dan more and putting his arm around him.

Dan smiled a little and cuddled closer. "It was good actually," he said smirking a little at the memory. He'd had good customers who actually bothered about him as well as themselves, and although it was nothing compared to sex with Phil, it was a pleasant change to being hurt or left frustrated.

Phil was confused. It was good? Dan was smiling at the memory of it. He felt a bit defensive- Dan had had sex with someone else and it was good and Phil wasn't involved in any way.

"Oh? What made it so good?" Phil asked.

Dan hadn't noticed Phil's confusion yet so answered without much bother.

"Most clients are pricks that don't care, but I tonight both my clients bothered with me as well as themselves," he said. "Which makes a pleasant change."

He didn't elaborate on what he meant by that, surely Phil would get that a customer who got him off made a pleasant change from an abusive one.

Phil looked frustrated for a moment. Dan wasn't being direct and he seemed so happy being with the other guys, it bothered him.

"So like... they got you off? You came with them?" He asked.

After he said that, it frustrated him more. Making Dan come was his job, he wasn't supposed to like it with other people.

Dan glanced up at Phil, there was something in voice he hadn't heard before and couldn't quite place.

"Um yeah..?" He said looking at him questioningly. "Is that a problem..?"

He didn't understand, Phil clearly knew what his job was long before now. Phil looked away and thought about it. It shouldn't be a problem. What was wrong with Dan enjoying his work? Phil liked his own job.

"Well, no, I guess...." Phil paused. He wasn't thinking straight, but it was bothering him so much. "I just wasn't aware you liked getting fucked by strangers."

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