In Lake Bresha

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We all get out off the train and looked around. There were lots of green buildings everywhere, the side walks were build in the sky and not on ground. I sighed and looked around to see if there are any other purged victims around. There wasn't any at all, they must have gotten off and ran away.

The little boy looked at me with sad eyes and I said," It's alright we will find your mother and you both will be safe". He smiled a little bit and so did I, everyone gathered behind me and I said loudly," Okay! We have to keep moving! We have to find the others and we will find a way out of this hell hole!", everyone smiled and cheered," Let's go!". We all walked foward, with me leading the way and protecting everyone. The little boy held my right hand while I had my sabers edge in gun mode in the other hand and is ready to fire.

We walked for about an hour with no sign of the others. I felt like I fought a whole army of soldiers already, I felt weak and I was glad at the same time becuase everyone found weapons to fight with. I had to let someone in the group take care of the little boy becuase I had to fight and find our way... our hope...

We found a certain kind of side walk, one that can fly around. I smiled and turned to tell everyone," Hey we need-", I got cut of by the sound of gun fire. More soldiers came to get us, I ducked and so did everyone else. We all ran to hide behind behind a bunch of metal boxes that were infront of us, on the other side were the soldiers firing at us. I crouched down at the end of a metal box, I held my sabers edge in my hands and tried to aim at the soldiers. I fired at one of them, then everyone began to fire at the soldiers.

I keeped firing and started thinking about the little boy and the NORA crew, I hoped that they were okay. Then more and more soldiers kept coming, everyone was running out of ammo. I began to get tired of all the soldiers, I thought for a while and decided to just end them. I changed my sabers edge to sword mode and charge at them, I try to doge the bullets or at least block them with my sabers edge. I ran up to a soldier and sliced at his chest then I kicked his back and let him hit the other soldiers. I jumped in the air and changed my sabers edge into gun mode. I jumped over all the soldiers, while I was in the air I shot them all making cry in pain and die on the spot. I landed on my feet and crouched down.

I looked up to see all the soldiers dead, everyone came out from hiding and took the soldiers ammo. I stood... Thinking the fight was over until a huge machine came. I had no clue of what it was, it had razor sharp circles on it's hands... It looked like a dragon for some reason. It's hands charges at us, I told everyone to fall back. Then a loud BOOM came from behind us, we looked back then looked at the machine. The machine was up in flames, then I hear a familiar voice," Your hero has come to save the day!," I turned back around and saw Snow with a bunch of people with guns.

I smile and stand up straight, Snow looked around and saw all os us already fighting back the soldiers. Then he looked at me with my head bleeding and my stomach was bleeding a bit, he smiled and said," Nina! Your okay! Yuj has been worried sick!". I smile and put away my sabers edge and thought about the time when I was in the garden and Yuj was looking for me. I smiled softly and slowly walked over to him, the little boy ran up to me and smiled.

My head throbed badly, I didn't feel good at all. I stopped walking and I close my eyes, I felt so tired... I wanted to rest... I couldn't take it... I opened my eyes weakly and I start walking to snow again," Nina? You okay?". I didn't say anything... I felt myself give up... I fell to my knees. I fainted..." Nina!," I heard someone call my name... I felt someone catch me... I felt horrible... My body gave up... I want to protect everyone... But how can I when I'm in this condition... All there is left... Is hope...

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