The Rebellion

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I feel someone hold me in their arms, I move a little and open my eyes slowly. I see a young man with blue hair and has a gun hanging from his shoulder. I recongnize his hair and say lowly," Y-Yuj?...," he looks at me and smiles softly at me. Then he moves my light brown hair to the side and says,"Your awake". I smile and touch my head where I hit it," It's okay. We cleaned you up when you were out cold," I try to sit up," C-can I sit up?". He nodded and helped me sit up," Thank you". I look at my stomach and see that I have bandages around my stomach.

I look around and see that we are on a bridge with a tall roof over it. I rub my head and try to get up," Whoa! Slow down! Your going to hurt yourself". He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up to my feet, I feel my cheeks turn hot. I look at him... Our faces are close together and I blush even more infront of him, he laughed and said," Hey Nina, if it wasn't for you... Then they would not be here", he points ahead. I look at him then see the people who were fighting at my side, then I see the little boy who I protected.

He was with his mother playing and smiling with her. I felt happy inside... I kept My promise... Yuj smiled at me and kissed my cheek, I blush even more. I look at him and smiled," Can I still fight?", I asked. He shook his head," I'm afraid not... But I'll protect you okay", I nodded and stood there with Yuj's arms still wrapped around my waist.

I wrap my arms around his neck and tears began to slowly run down my face. He felt my tears drip onto his shoulder," Nina... It's okay now... Cry all you want. I'm here for you and I know you've been through alot... So go ahead and cry it out if it will make you feel better". I began to cry alot and I felt his hand rub my back and my tears soak his shirt.

After a few minutes I stopped crying and unwrapped my arms around his neck. He let go of me and I hear Snow say," Come on you love birds! We need to get moving! ASAP!!". I laugh and nod while I pull my sabers edge out. I began to walk forward slowly, I feel pain in my legs and arms, I feel to my knees. Then Yuj caught me and picked me up," Remeber what I said Nina... I'll protect you! Haha and it looks like you can't walk either...", he picks me up bridal style and he looks at Snow," Okay let's go!".

Everyone had weapons to fight and we moved forward. We have no idea what's ahead of us... All we can do is fight... Later we all took some rest on a bridge with boxes on it. Yuj had put me down and he sat beside me, I wrapped my arms around my knees. Yuj wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder," Okay! Listen up everyone! Right now there are some soldiers up ahead! I need a group of people who will help is get rid of them... So who is with me!?". I look around to see who would respond... A few people did until I raised my hand...

Yuj looked at me and said," Nina no! Don't go!", I looked at him and said," I have to fight... We have to get out of here some how...". He looks down with sadness in his eyes... I felt really bad and said softly," Yuj?...", he looked back up and I kissed his lips... Our lips touched and I began to blush... He kissed me back and we kept kissing. " Haha alright Nina that's enough for now!", Snow said laughing.

I pulled away and smiled softly, so did he. I got up slowly and pulled my sabers edge out, I walked up to Snow and see another woman volunteered. I was looking at her as she got up, there was a boy sitting next to her and I heard him say," Mom?!". I saddened when I heard his sad voice," Excuse me?," I walk up to the woman as Snow gave her a gun. "Yes?", I walked up to her and stood there asking," Are you sure that you want to go?", she nodded and looked into my dark blue eyes," Yes... I'm sure... And please... If anything happens to me... Please take care of my son... His name is Hope".

I nod," I promise I will... And by the way, what is your name?", I look at her with sad eyes," My name is Nora." I open my eyes widely at the sound of her voice... Her name is Nora... That's the name of Snow's gang...

All the people who volunteered got to go with Snow and Godot, while everyone else stayed behind with Yuj and the rest of the NORA gang. Before we left with Snow and Godot I walked back up to Yuj with my sabers edge in my right hand," Yuj, I'll come back okay? So you don't have to worry about me... Okay? And I...", I leaned in to kiss him softly and siad lowly," E-even though I've known you for only a while... I-I love you...". I blush alot and look into his eyes," I love you too... Nina". He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

Few seconds past and I let go of him and wave goodbye and walk toward the rebellion group. Snow pat me on the shoulder," Haha come on Nina we will make it back and when we get to Bodhum you two can get married". I blush alot and look at Snow," .....", I say nothing and he punches me on the shoulder," Haha I'm just kidding Nina". I laugh and he says to the group," Okay everyone let's beat some PHISCOM asses!!!", I laugh and put my sabers edge over my shoulder and walk forward with everyone else...

We have no clue of what's ahead of us... All we can do is fight and protect what matters to us all... I know that we all can get back home... There is Hope... And we can find it and put it in our hearts...


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