Into the Fal'cies Vestage

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We all are on our way to find a way out of Lake Bresha... we have fought many soldiers on the way. I start to worry about all the purge people who follow behind, I mean you never know what may happen... Others say my fate is dying here, but I decide my own fate. Im going to take out the PHISCOM with all my strengh and protect the people of the Purge!

All of us walk till we hit a dead end, I sigh resting.

"Great a dead end," I say sitting down.

Snow and the others talked for a bit and decided to go the other direction to cross the bridge beside this one. We all moved out again leaving the Purge people on the dead end one to keep them safe.

We got to the other bridge. We scanned the area seeing if there were any soldiers around. There's was none, but we still kept an eye out.

As we walked the bridge a huge machine landed in front of us. We all hide behind objects to not let any of the machines bullets hit us.

"I got this you guys!," Snow said running at the machine trying to shoot it. He stumbled on the way making him fall feet away from the machine.

"S-snow! Gadot back me up! Im going in!," He nodded as I ran to Snow while shooting the machine.

As I got to Snow the machine was getting ready to use a laser beam on us. I tried to help Snow up, but the machine stomp the ground making us both fall down hitting our heads. I cringed my teeth at the pain.

I looked up to see the machine aiming for us, I closed my eyes. Noting came. I opened them and saw it was falling back. Someone from behind shot a bomb missile at it making the machine destroy.

Snow and I looked back to see Nora. She smiled and held out her hand to us. I grabbed it gently helping Snow up.

"T-thank you Nora," I smiled at her.

As we tried to retreat the machine exploded. The impact hit our backs making us hit the floor amazing hard! Nora had token most of the impact. The machine began to break the bridge making it collapse. The people who were helping us began to fall down with the machine.

I stabbed my sabers edge into the ground trying to stay up. Snow grabbed onto my hand while trying to keep Nora in his other. I could hear the purge people on the other bridge. Then I heard Yuj's voice...

"Nina!!! Hold on! Im coming for you!," I see him begin to run from the dead end bridge.

I tried to keep my blade stuck in the ground until it loosened. My eyes opened widely as it slipped out of the floor making Snow, Nora and I fall.

We were close to the edge but we held onto it, our bodies dangling. Snow still had Nora, but she looked weak. She began to say something, but I could not hear it.

I saw her grip begin to loosen as she closed her eyes," N-no! Nora stay with us! Nora!."

She smiled and let go of Snow's hand. He yelled for her soon loosing his grip on the edge.

"Snow!," I reached out for him, but it was too late... he fell down...

I could hear his yells until they stopped. Tears had come to my eyes and I saw that I was the only person left on this bridge.

I held onto the edge tightly, but my hands began to get sweaty so I started to let go. I tried to hold on, but my hand lost it's grip almost letting me fall until another hand grabbed mine.

I looked up to see Yuj. He pulled me up and took me away from the broken edge. I began to cry, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Nina, it's okay your safe now."

I looked at him and cried Ito his chest," t-they are all gone.... everyone! Why!? Why couldn't it be me! I could have stopped it from happening!."

"It wasn't your fault, Nina. You couldn't do anything about it," he held me closer.

I wiped my tears and broke away from Yuj's hug," Lets go... we need to get back to the others."

I grabbed my sabers edge and put it back in the thigh pocket. Yuj grabbed my hand leading us back to where everyone was. I felt guilty for what happened... and for Nora... she told us to take care of her son named Hope...

We got back to the others and Macki hugged me tightly. I hugged back and stayed quiet. They all looked at me, I just left and went into a corner where no one can see me.

I found a corner and hugged my knees sobbing quietly. Soon I heard footsteps coming in my direction.

"Nina... listen to me," Yuj grabbed my arm, but I yanked it away softly.

"No Yuj... They are all gone. Even your leader and friend... I could have stopped it, but we were reckless... Nora died... Everyone gone..."

He knelt down in front of me," Nina, its not your fault."

I looked at him and shook my head. Yuj grabbed both of my arms pulling me toward him. Soon his lips collided with mine. I blushed kissing him back.

He pulled away and smiled, I was still blushing until I heard someone yell.

"PHISCOM soldiers above in flying motorcycles!!!."

Everyone ducked as they landed where the Purge people were. They got off and opened fire. Everyone scattered like ants hiding behind rubble or anything they could find.

Yuj and I got up quickly, he fired at the soldiers while I pulled out my sabers edge into sword mode. I charged at them slicing ones back and dodging the others bullets. I slide under his legs and jumped up behind him slicing his neck and stabbing his spine.

We killed the rest and everyone came from hiding.

"I anyone hurt?," I yelled.

Everyone shook their head. I sighed in relief as I looked at the motorcycle, then back at the Fal'cie best age that was hanging in the air by PHISCOM airplanes.

"It's that damn things fault that all of us are here!," I said to myself while climbing into the motorcycle.

Yuj ran up to me grabbing my arm," What are you doing?!."

I looked at him and kissed him. I grabbed his face and pulled him close to me. I felt him kiss back, he pulled away in confusion.

"I love you Yuj... keep everyone safe okay? we will meet again, I promise."

I turned on the motorcycle slowly lifting into the air. I could hear Yuj yell my name. I looked at the controls and pressed anything to make me go forward I figured it out and raced toward the Fal'cie Vestiage.

On the way I knew what I was going to do... It may kill me, but this will probably distract the PHISCOM...

I'm going to kill that Fal'cie....


Hey guys! final updated after so llllooonnggg hope you all like it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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