Distracting Lips

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"Oh, for the love of... WILL YOU STOP IT, HICCUP?" Merida screamed at the Viking.

Wide eyed and lips pursed, he shrugged his shoulders. "What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?" Merida walked in circles around Hiccup while blabbering, "You always do that. It's so annoying. I don't even know why you do that!"

"Do what?" he asked the redhead. He sincerely did not know where she was heading. He pursed his lips again, out of habit

"That!" she screamed and pointed her arrow at him. "We are practicing, Hiccup! I'm trying to teach you how to shoot an arrow, but you keep on distracting me!"

"I don't even know what you're talking about," Hiccup said calmly. Whenever Merida threw a fit, he stayed calm.

"That's it, Hiccup. Training's over," she said. She picked up her bow from the ground and walked away.

"But we haven't even started yet!" he called out. He sighed. "Oh, dear Odin, that woman is impossible." He picked up his own bow from the ground and started to train on his own.


"He is so frustrating!" Merida complained to Gobber as she walked around the armory, swinging an axe around.

The old man chuckled. "What part of Hiccup is frustrating?"

"His lips!" she screamed.

Gobber raised a brow at her. He totally wasn’t expecting that answer. "His lips?"

Merida looked at the Viking, stunned. She didn't intend to slip. "I-I mean-I. Look-I. UGH!"

The old man snickered. Seeing the Princess of Scotland at a loss for words was a rare occasion and he was enjoying every bit of it. “Alright, princess. Care to explain?”

She tried to repair the damage she did. “Hiccup is being difficult!”

“Is that your excuse?” Gobber asked, still smirking. He stopped tinkering with the weapons to look at her fully. He wanted to watch her reactions and movements. She tended to fling her arms around whenever she explained.

She knew there was no way out of this mess. “Well, whenever we practice, try to practice actually, he starts doing that! And I just want to kiss him!” She stopped explaining and showed him.

She pursed her lips.

Gobber started laughing at her. He fell out of his chair and continued laughing. Merida stared at him, but he still continued laughing.


“Are you done laughing?” Merida asked him, deeply annoyed. She crossed her arms.

Gobber nodded his head and wiped a tear. “Holy Thor, Merida. I never imagined you’d say that. You want to kiss Hiccup? Oh, boy.”

Merida was doing her best to contain her anger. “Stop it, Gobber!”

 “But maybe he wants to kiss you too.”

The princess’ face softened. She said, “Why would he want to do that?”

The Viking stood up from the ground and sat back on his chair. He took a deep breath. Laughing exhausted him. “Oh, I don’t know. Attraction, maybe. Or just hormones.”

She flushed. “You mean to say he likes me?” She blinked a few times then shook her head. No, Merida. You don’t want to get married, remember?

“Just because you like each other, it doesn’t mean you have to get married in an instant,” Gobber told her.

Her face was now the same color as her hair. “You-you-how!”

Distracting LipsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon