Camilia slowly walked down the hill which lead to town.Yes,her town had a name,Eastville,but she called it town because she wanted to call her "home" something that she,herself liked.The spring sun was setting over the horizon.Streaks of gold and orange coated town in a blanket of sunset warmth."I have ten minutes.."Camilia muttered softly to herself.By now,most other people in town would be in bed or at least inside.Camilia remembered one time that a young boy got curious and snuck out of his window at night.He was killed,he didn't suffer,just a quick shot in the back of the neck put you into an eternal slumber.Camilia looked up at the sky which was a slight purple color with pink clouds stretching across the sky,as if they were reaching out for something.'I wonder if that boy is safe.Sleeping sweetly on the softest of clouds.' Camilia thought to herself.She may be very different,but she still had a heart.
As Camilia reached her door,the siren had just rand out.Nightgaurds were starting to settle at every bright streetlight.Camilia looked over at one of the guards.His hair was hidden by a white helmet and his eyes barely visable through his shaded glasses.He looked back at Camilia.The two stood in complete silence,not taking their eyes away from the other for a second.
Finally,Camilia turned the knob on her door and opened it slowly.The guard nodded and finally averted his gaze.Camilia slowly walked inside of her dark apartment,once inside,she locked her door and looked through her window,examining every detail of the guards settling outside."What exactly do they have to hide...for no one to come outside at night.."