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Saterday 10:35 am

I sat up stretching every muscle in my body maybe a few extra too.

Oh well.

Still half asleep, I pulled back my white blanket and swung my legs over the bed.

flinching at cold wood floors because I refuse to get a rug in my room.

The house was silent except for the occasional music coming from my brothers room.

I stripped from my sweatpants and pulled my bra off of my pale white skin and wrapped a towel around my body.

Avoiding anyone seeing me, I slipped into the bathroom that I unfortunately share with my mess of an older brother Luke.

I have to admit my brother is pretty attractive..Tall, blue eyed, blonde hair and everything.

The only thing strange about him is how he stares at me so deeply when we hangout,

Which I'll have you know is very rare.

One thing I hate are hot showers. They make me feel like I'm sweating. I take cold showers.

Only cold showers.

Getting in the shower I let the cold water send chills down my spine and let the feeling of bubbles and soap take over my body.

Finally feeling silky and clean I turn the water of and grab my baby pink robe, and wrap my hair in my towel.

I crack the door making sure the coast is clear,

I hate anyone seeing me without some sort of clothes on.

I open the door and shut the light off and start to walk out, or not sense I'm pulled by my wrist back into the bathroom.


I watched as Alex made her way to the bathroom.

I have to admit she was beautiful everything about her had me in a constant trance. I know we are brother and sister and all but, fuck.

I waited until I could smell her famous sent of bubble gum body wash to sneak into the bathroom and go into the closet unnoticed.

I watched her barley make it through the door before I pulled her back into the bathroom.

The suprise on her face only made me smirk more. "oh my god Luke you scared me." she said shakily as I watched her slow her breathing.

She's so cute.

Smirking I stepped forward, only for her to step back with a confused expression.

"Luke.." she said pure worry in her voice.

I couldn't take it any more, "Alex" I said stepping closer as she stepped back again only to hit the wall behind her.

In one swift movement I had her pinned on the wall, wrist held on either side of her head as I leaned close to her face.

Our noses slightly brushing from the closeness of us.

The urge to just, smash my lips into her right then and there was insanely high.

Only soft breaths from her pale pink lips could be felt on my lips because of the lack of space between us

I turned my head and leaned into her ear.


All I feel are chills as Luke breathes into my ear, pressing me more into the wall.

He bites my earlobe softly tugging on it.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. whatever you do don't give in. don't give in.

I spoke to soon.

as I hear Luke whispering in my ear "fuck babygirl the things you do to me"

Chills went through my whole body.

To tell you I wasn't highly turned on would be a fucking. lie.

With that he lets go of my wrists smirking. it look everything I had in me to not smash my lips onto his smooth silky ones.

Then again, He is my brother.

As he walks out of the bathroom. I standing there in the dark I catch my breath. Maybe he's just messing with me.

Yea, Maybe.

new fanfic yeah? tell me if you like itt I hope it isn't horrible
xoxo loves :-)

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