Chapter 1: Where it all began.

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The Picture is of Jana Kramer. Which is Katie in the story.

Chapter 1: Where it all began.

"Mom stop that hurts!!" I cried in pain.

"It's your fault he left for war and it's your fault he's dead" She screamed for what felt like the millionth time that night.

It was exactly one year after my dad died in combat. He had been gone for 14 months and was getting ready to come home later that week but got killed the Sunday before he was due home. Anyway, I was just coming in from being at his grave, which is like a 15 minute walk from my house. I was only 13 so I wasn't old enough to drive just yet, I was sitting there and I realized I was going to be late so I tried getting home as soon as I could but knew I'd still be at least 5 minutes late which means a lot of screaming.

When I walked through the door my mom was already drunk and standing there waiting for me. She started screaming at me and asking where I went. I knew telling her the grave was a bad idea but I hated lying to people, especially her. She kept telling me that my dad doesn't want me to visit him because it was my fault he was dead.

"I didn't ask to be brought in this world! I didn't want him to go into the military but he did because he wanted a better life for the both of us and he knew the benefits were better than working his ass off of at the construction site!" I screamed. The next thing I felt was a hand across my face. I grabbed my face and turned away my face to the side. My face may have been hidden but that didn't stop the kicking at my legs. I ended up falling to the ground because she kicked me so hard I lost my balance.

"I also didn't ask what you thought!! Now go to your room!" She screamed at me as I slowly started sitting up. I mumbled that she was a horrible mother and that earned me a kick to my stomach.

"It's your fault, for everything. You're the reason I'm the way I am. You're the reason he left because he couldn't stand looking at you everyday. Now go to your room you ugly whore. I don't want to see you anymore tonight." That's where that all began.


7 years later~

Waking up to the sound of glass breaking at 5am was a normal thing in this house. She comes up, punches my stomach to make sure I'm up and then goes to the store to get more liquor. I'm already left for school once she gets back. Normally she's gone for 2 hours at the least. Which gives me time to cover the bruises and get dressed then walk around the corner to Brayden's house since he's my ride to school every morning.

Brayden Bryan is the greatest friend I could ever ask for. He may be my only friend but I am so lucky to have him and his family.

"Hey Katie!! I love seeing you before I leave for work!" exclaimed Mrs. Lauren Bryan, (I prefer to stick to Mrs. Bryan but she thinks it's too formal) as she beams at me as I walk up their driveway at 6:15. I go over and give her a gentle hug, and tell her to have a great day and that I love her, as she kisses my cheek and tells me that she made me breakfast and it's on the table.

You see Mrs. Bryan was my dad's best friend before he died. She loved my dad like a brother and raised me like I was family. She's aware of how bad my mom gets with the alcohol but is clueless about the beatings every day and night. I didn't need anymore drama in my life and I couldn't imagine giving her and her husband, Elliot, that burden of having to help me.

As I walk in the house, Brayden is just walking down the stairs, already showered and dressed in his football jersey with Khaki shorts on. They must have a game tonight.

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