Chapter 2: Brayden's POV

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Chapter 2: Brayden's P.O.V.

(It's not all his POV but there is going to be a good portion that is in his POV)

Brayden's POV;

After I took Katie home, I went home myself. She worries me more than anything. I don't understand how she puts up with the beatings and then the threats from her moms friend. You see, once Katie's dad had passed away and her mom starting drinking, there was always random guys who would show up at her house for her mom. She didn't think anything of it until one night when she overheard her mom talking with Bruce. He's part of a gang that her mom starting talking to once things got really bad. The conversation Katie heard was about how her mom didn't care what happened to Katie and that he could rape her and she wouldn't care. So that's what happened. He went in her room, and beat her senseless while raping her. It's not something she likes talking about but she told me about it. Not because she wanted to but because I forced it out of her. Her mom never beat her head hard enough to mark her have a huge gash in the back of it.

I actually went looking for her that night and found her passed out on the porch. She tried to run away after he raped her but she only made it the porch before he caught her and slammed her against the railing. I rushed her to my house and she told my parents she had slipped on ice and whacked it against the table. I obviously didn't believe her and once my parents left I forced her to tell me what really happened.

Now 5 years later, he's back.

"Brayden!!" I heard my mom call me from downstairs which snaps me out of my daydream. Or nightmare, whatever you wanna call it.

"Coming mom!" I run downstairs to see my parents in the living room watching tv.

"Hey" I say walking in and sitting next to my mom on the couch.

"We have great news!!" My mom says excitedly

"What is it?" I ask, anxious to find out

"Well son," my dad started "you know how Katie's dad was always very fond of my firm? How he was always willing to build or fix anything before he got deployed?"

"Yeah...?" I ask anxiously again

"Well the construction crew he worked for is adding an addition onto the office. It's going to make the office bigger and I'm hoping to find lawyers straight out of law school to work for me so I can help them get up in the world and become as close to the best as I can" My dad said as his face had excitement all over it.

"But that's not the best part, in honor of Katie's dad, we asked the town, and his captain, if it's okay the we make the new addition in honor of him. They said they wouldn't want it any other way!" My mother said as she started tearing up. Probably for more than reason, she was overjoyed and she also missed him. I don't blame her.

"Dad that's amazing!! I can't wait to tell Katie!!" I said starting to get up to go tell her.

"Wait Bray, don't tell her just yet. The additions almost done, they started it the a few months ago, we wanted to wait to tell her until we knew if it was going to be named after Michael. We want to wait till its all done and then show her." My dad said and I couldn't agree more.

Once I get back upstairs to the blondie I had over, I finish with her than send her off. I had one other person coming over tonight. Yes, I am a player but hey, I'm hot, what do you expect?

As I'm laying in bed after the brunette I had leaves, I can't stop thinking about Katie and how much pain she could be in right now. I decide to sneak down the street and go to her house. Her bedroom light wasn't on and her mom's car was in the driveway. I slowly climb up the tree next to her window and slowly look in, she was laying there sleeping. Well I hope she's just sleeping. I slide her window up a little and the flower I picked along with the little note I wrote in the table drawer that's under her window but next to her bed. She always goes in there in the morning to get the book she's reading. Her mom doesn't like her reading so she has to hide her books and her mom only comes in to get her up in the morning, and never looks through her belongings.


A week later~

I just get out of the shower and I hear my mom telling Katie that she loves her. I hurriedly get dressed in jeans and a V-neck, but grabbing a hoodie off my floor. It's the middle of October and it's getting colder.

As I walk into the kitchen, Katie's sitting there eating the bowl of cereal my mom left for her. She didn't have time to actually cook so she put together a bowl of cereal for her.

I walk in and kiss the back of her head where I know her scar is,

"Good morning pretty lady" I say as I walk towards the fridge to get my football water bottle.

"Good morning Bray Bray" My other nickname from her. I roll my eyes and smile.

When she finishes her breakfast we head out to my truck but little does she know, we are only going until lunch. Dad told me yesterday that they were pretty close to being done the addition to the office but he didn't want me to know just how close they were. All they had to do this morning is add the sign and put in a bench, both in memory of Michael. Mom told me this morning. She's going to come and sign us out. Katie's dad always left my parents as emergency contacts and her mom hasn't changed it since her dad died and she stopped caring.

We pull up to school and I tell her to meet me by the main office before lunch because I have a surprise for her. She goes on and on about all the surprises I've leaving her, when in reality it was only the flower with the note last week and than this one today. She's so dramatic.

Katie's POV

I say by to Brayden as he walks towards a brunette and kisses her neck. I shiver and almost puke in my mouth. Hes such a player. The first few classes are a blur because I just wanted to know what the surprise was. Than the last class before lunch to forever to be over.

Now here we are standing outside his office and I see his mom walk out of it. I'm so confused!

"Mrs. Bryan!!" I scream and run up and give her a hug

"Hi baby girl" She kisses my head

"You kids ready?" She asked

"Where are we going?" I asked her with a confused expression

"It's a surprise!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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