Chapter 5- The accedent

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hey guys I've put in a lot of thought into this chapter so I hope you like it :) and I would like to give a BIG thanks to my best friend Georgia for helping me get Ideas for this chapter so THANKS :D

*Rosie's P.O.V*

Black that's all I can see, a faint beeping noise ringing through my ears, my eyes start to flicker, faster and faster the beeping noise getting louder and louder I start to run, running through darkness the darkness just keeps going and going and going it wont stop.

Until I turn around to see a bright light I start to walk towards it and come out onto a sandy beach full of screaming kids and family's having fun, and the hot sun beating down on me,

I recognise this part of the beach I carry on walking until I come out to an open space with just a few people sun bathing and a few amount of children playing in the sea, then I saw a young couple sitting on the soft sand they both look like there having a really good time,

I walk a little closer to see its me? wait am I in a dream and I'm with a curly haired boy, suddenly they start to play fight, I smile to myself at how happy they are together and they seem to look lovingly into each others eyes, then I realise it Harry my summer love.

Everything starts to go black again that beeping sound is back but its louder, its faster I start run more until I fall but I seem to be falling down hill until I sit up and I'm on a field I can see me again walking toward another boy with cute brown hair I watch as we kissed they seem happy to an he gives me a necklace a heart shaped one and I remember its Louis he gave me the necklace on our month anniversary...

They both seem to tell me they love me my feelings for each of them are different I don't know how to explain whats going on...

everything black once again, BEEP..........BEEP........BEEP.........BEEP....BEEP....BEEP..BEEP..BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

I wake up suddenly breathing heavily my heart beating along to the heart monitor, tubes running around my body then I realise I'm in hospital my head is pounding I have no idea why I'm here,

I move my hand up slowly to touch my head and I feel part of my hair shaved off and what seems to be stitches, I remove the endless tubes away from me and stood up staring towards the bathroom in my very untrendy hospital robe and start to walk, I look into the mirror and see the scar on the top of my head I suddenly break down in tears falling to the floor.

Suddenly I hear my hospital room door burst open, doctors in white lab coats come and pick me up from the ground and walk me over to my bed and hock me back up the tubes "why am I here what happened?" I cried " I'm sorry but a car hit you two days ago you've been unconscious ever since and caused some damage to your head, but we have two visitors for you would you like to see them?" the doctor said with a sympathetic look "yes" I sighed as i turned to look out the window.

Georgia and Louis come rushing in looking very concerned "omg are you okay Rosie?" Georgia shouted running to me giving me a very big hug "yeah I'm fine just my head hurts a bit" I said with a small grin.

I looked over to Louis he wasn't saying anything he was just looking at my scar.

I could see tears running down his cheeks "Louis I'm okay don't be sad" I said looking him deep into his eyes. " I know your okay its just, I did this to you its all my fault, me and Harry were fighting gjgjwjddjcbsf" he carried on, all of his words sounded like nothing more than sounds the words all mumbled up then I remember what happened.


"Rosie hey wait up I need to talk to you" I hear Alisha's voice from behind me,

I just carry on walking pretending not to hear her "ROSIE please listen to me" she shouted one again this time I stopped an tired to her to hear what she has to say, " listen I know it's not you fault about Harry I was so worked up I just couldn't control my self I'm sorry" she said quietly "it's okay Alisha I know what it's like" I said with a faint smile before giving her a hug and walking up to Louis.

"Are you still giving a lift home bubz" I ask politely "yeah sure I have a meeting with the head teacher after school for 10 mins do you mind waiting out side the gates for me?" He replied with a big toothy grin "yeah sure okay see you later" I said about to kiss his cheek when he moved his had quickly to kiss my lips, I removed my head and just rolled my eyes at him smiling "bye baby" he shouted as I walked round the corner with Georgia,Sarah, Myra, izzy and Alisha.

I was waiting for Louis to finish up his meeting with the head teacher when Harry caught up with me, "Rosie you need to listen to me right now, i need to let you know I still love you, I need you, mean so much to me, please I'm begging you, I know I hurt Alisha but that's in the past now" he said grabbing my arm "Harry no I'm with Louis now yeah sure we had something and maybe I do feel it still but I feel stronger for Louis, I can't just leaving like that I'm sorry" I said sternly,

Harry pulled me closer trying to make me kiss him, I tried to pull away but his grip was to strong.

"get off my girl Harry before I hurt you again" I hear Louis voice making me feel safe inside Harry grabbed me tighter,

Louis fist swung around hitting Harry hard in the face the blow made him fall back and I got thrown into the road,

I lifted my head to see Louis and Harry fighting I couldn't do any thing to stop them I got up slowly when *BANG* a car had hit me and I hit me hard and from that point on everything went blank...


"Louis its not your fault" I said giving him a reassuring smile, he cried even more "but if I didn't swing for Harry like that you wouldn't of got hurt" he weeped "come over here" I said holding out my arms "it's okay it's no ones fault I should of got out the road quicker" I whispered in his ear, he held me tighter "I'm always here for you my love and ill never let you go" he whispers back.

I know I'll always feel safe in his arms but part of me still wants Harry after everything that's happened he will all ways be my summer love.


I've just got out of hospital a day ago, I'm lucky I get the rest of the week off yay, I was just resting on my bed when I hear a knock at the door, I slowly got my self up checking my scar wasn't on full display and then headed down stairs,

I opened the door just peaking my head out ever so slightly, no one was there then I looked down to see a big bunch of roses sitting on my door step, I picked them up and there was a note, I went back inside and sat on the stairs and read the note.

It said 'I'm sorry for everything if you are willing to forgive me come by the football field on Saturday about half 10 -love Harry x'

I read the note over and over pondering weather to go I'm starting to get a bit anxious now, I think I'll sleep on it and think about it more tomorrow.

I laid back in my bed and fell into a deep sleep...

I was walking across the field to meet Harry he was sitting on the grass looking up in the sky, It was quite warm today which was good. I walked over and sat beside him, we sat in silence for a minuet we just made eye contact now and again then finally he spoke "I'm so sorry" "it's okay" I replied

We looked up at each other and our eyes met we both leaned in and my lips planted on to his I wanted to let go but I couldn't, he started to lean back and I went with him by now was laying on top of him, he hands were slowly going up my shirt when I woke up in shock what did I just dream my feeling for Harry are coming back more and more, but why after everything that's happened why now?...

Sorry its quote short but Please make sure you vote and tell other people about this story and any comments are welcome :) hope your enjoying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Jenna Stylinson ❤

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