Part II

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Misa loved the museum. They had a detailed exhibit on the history of the 1900s, and many artifacts from the 1800s as well. She loved the ancient smell of the place the most and liked to pretend she was an average girl in another era.

She skipped out of the World War II section and started towards the exhibit where the stagecoach was. Euphy was probably there.

She saw her standing right where the stagecoach was with her usual blank look.

"Didn't you used to go here with your dad all the time?" asked Misa.

"It was some sort of tradition to go here every Tuesday. I'm too busy with school and other things now so I stopped."

A lightbulb turned on in Misa's head, "Oh, we should go here on a Saturday together! Well, after my month's restraining order is expired."

Euphy didn't respond with her usual "no", and instead looked away.

"Maybe the Whites know about it." said Misa. She saw Jackie White enter the day before the stagecoach disappeared.

Euphy walked out of the exhibit and headed in the direction on the museum exit.

"Hurry up, the Whites are two blocks away and I don't have all day." she called out.

The Stolen StagecoachWhere stories live. Discover now