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''welcome students, to another year at Hogwarts.'' The old headmaster's voice boomed through the Great Hall. ''please welcome our new Defence Against the dark arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge'' the headmaster said pointing at a pink dressed, toad like woman. The students in hall applauded, out of politeness, not because they wanted to. ''thank you, Dumbledore, for that warm welcome. And I am certain, that we all will be good friends'' the toad woman said with a bit of a squeaky voice.

''that's likely'' a redheaded boy mumbled to his twin. ''this year will be a bit different, instead of only new first years, we will have exchange students, all the way from America.'' the students started murmuring and mumbling to each other and looked at the old headmaster for more information. ''they will be here soon enough, but for now enjoy the feast.'' He said and the food appeared on the four long tables.

The six demigods were gathered in a small office. All of them in awe of the beautiful castle. ''just look at it, the architecture is stunning'' the blonde girl with storming grey eyes, Annabeth said as she looked outside the window. She saw almost all off the castle where she stood. Her boyfriend, Percy stood beside her, normally he would be a bit, and secretly annoyed, but this time he just looked outside in awe. The other four demigods sat on a couch nearby, trying not to bite each other head off after the traveling.

''sorry for the waiting'' an old, stern looking lady came in with the old headmaster right behind her. ''welcome, I am Professor Dumbledore, and this is professor McGonagall'' he said sitting down behind his desk. ''now, I understand you are here on a mission to help us defeat Voldemort.'' The six demigods nodded.

After presenting themselves and telling the prophecy to Dumbledore, they were followed down towards the great hall. ''students, you have wondered who these exchange students are. Please welcome them as they are sorted into their houses.'' Dumbledore said pointing to the six teens standing in the middle of the four tables. All heads turned away from conversation and their food. Several love-struck sighs could be heard throughout the hall.

''La Rue, Clarisse'' McGonagall called. Clarisse stepped up and put the hat on her head, not long after the hat called out her house ''Gryffindor!''. The Gryffindor house erupted in shouting and clapping. She walked over and sat down. ''Stoll, Connor'' he walked over and put the hat on his head. There was a quiet mumble from the hat that could have been ''oh no not another prankster'' before he yelled ''Slytherin!''

''Stoll, Travis'' the hat waited a second before he shouted ''Gryffindor''. ''Levesque, Hazel'' this time the hat had a hard time deciding, but she ended up in Slytherin along with Connor. ''Chase, Annabeth'' it didn't even last a second before the hat erupted ''Ravenclaw''

''last, Jackson, Perseus'' Percy walked up to McGonagall. Umbridge looked at him like he was going to be trouble. Before he sat down to be sorted, he said. ''it is just Percy'' he sat down and put the hat on. The hat mumbled softly. ''Hufflepuff!'' Annabeth pouted at the fact that she wasn't in the same house as her boyfriend. Before Percy sat down at his new house table he ran over to Annabeth and kissed her. The hall erupted in either an aww or a sad sigh from both girls and boys.

After the feast they met shortly before they parted to their houses. Annabeth and Percy hugged and talked silently between themselves. The Stoll brothers had already started planning their first prank as wizards. Clarisse and Hazel kind of just stood there awkwardly discussing the hate between the two houses, Gryffindor and Slytherin.

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