One - Shot

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Dean Winchester walked the isles of the store looking for the pie section, looking high and low. Dean finally found the pie section and slapped his hands and rubbed his hands together with a goofy smile, "Pie, sweet pie." He whispered to himself.

Dean skimmed all the different Pie selections, there was so many... he didn't know which to choose from! Then... A certain apple pie, caught his eye.

He purchased his pie and headed back to the bunker with his pie, he couldn't wait to have him some pie! When he got back to the bunker, he set the box of pie on the table in the library and retreated to the kitchen to collect a fork. When Dean came back, the box was open and facing him.

Dean got a little freaked out and started looking about frantically, "Uh... Hello?" he called out. It was silent for a moment until... "Hello, Dean." Pie spoke. Dean looked looked to his pie and blinked a few times.

"Son of a bitch..." Dean whispered and approached his beloved, "My pie can talk." Dean was so fascinated, he forgot that he was hungry.

"Yes, Dean... I can." spoke Pie, again. Pie was in love with Dean, but he was a Pie-Eater... it could never work out... could it? "Oh my god... I love you."

Pie was all choked up and didn't know what to say back only, "I love you too, Dean" Pie blushed... "But it would never work out... you're a Predator to my kind..."

Dean sighed and stroked Pie's pastry, ''We'll make this work Pie... I promise. You're perfect, Curves and bumps and all." Dean whispered and pecked Pie. Pie blushed even more "Oh, Dean... you don't have to say that..."

*That night*

Dean and Pie had just finished watching 'The Life of Pi' when Dean had turned to with a smile, Pie would have smiled if it had a mouth, but Pie was only magical so it only had a voice. "Oh Pie... Let's get married" Dean said breathlessly in a Prince Charming voice. ''Oh Dean... I would love to..."

Dean smiled wider and rested his head in the palm of his hands, "Let's get Married now... Sam can be the Priest.", Pie thought for a moment and replied with an 'okay'.

*At the wedding*

The wedding was being held in the bunker, Dean was dressed in a tuxedo and a pie decorated tie, Pie is sitting on a high bar stool. Neither could be happier.

"I take you, Pie.. to be my Pie." Dean Smiled when he turned to Pie.

"I take you, Dean.. to be my Dean." Pie blushed.

"You may now kiss the pie..." Sam raised his eyebrow and left the library. Dean picked up Pie and kissed them, and Pie blushed and kissed back.

"You're such a 'Cutie Pie'" Dean wiggled his eyebrows, Pie blushed AGAIN for the seven hundredth time that day. "Oh, stop it you!" Pie giggled. "I can't if I have you for a pie.." replied Dean.

*In bedroom that night*

Pie lay on Dean's bedside table (so he didn't get crumbs on his bed), and they talked for a while. " How did I become so lucky to have you?" Pie asked Dean seriously. Dean looked at Pie lovingly and stroked Pie's pastry. "Because you were the most gorgeous pie at the store, darling." Dean replied in a husky voice; Pie sighed in happiness "I couldn't help but be jealous when you were looking at the others... but where you chose me I just, I got so emotional."

Dean smiled lovingly at his Apple Pie and slowly pulled a fork from under his pillow and hid it so Pie couldn't see. "I'm so happy I chose you, Pie..." Pie blushed, "Oh Dean..."

"Now, I hope you're not past your expiry date." Dean clutched the fork tightly while a smirk played on his lips, "Of course not. I'm as fresh as ever, dear" Pie replied in a perky tone.

"That's good... because..." Dean rips the fork from under his pillow and points it towards his beloved Pie, "I'm ready for supper." Dean dug his fork into Pie and took a big chunk off of the side and swallowed it whole. "I love me some pie."

Pie screams in agony while apple filling oozed out of the center. "How could you?!" Pie screamed. "How could I not?" Dean replied, "I was hungry!"

Pie sniffles and starts coughing, a sign of dying off. "I love you Dean..."

"I love you too, Pie." Dean nods and takes another chunk. Pie starts crying and oozing out more filling. "If this is how our love should be defined, then so be it..." Dean nods, eats the rest of Pie and inhales... "Sorry Pie, but I skipped dinner..."

"I-It's okay..." Pie cries and passes to the after life, Dean shrugs and licks the crumbs off the tray... savoring the taste.

In the distance there was a whisper in the wind... "I love you, Dean..."

Dean's head snaps up from the tray, "Pie...?"

~The End~

Cutie Pie - Dean Winchester x Pie (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now