Ch.4-My Happily Ever After

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The next day I walked into school, I had something of a goal in mind. A determination. And nothing could deter me from it. I was putting forth all my power in my amateur persuasion skills in an attempt to make Mr. Matthews see things my way.

I could only hope the guy would be just the least bit understanding. Because even somebody just the least bit understanding would see how incompatible Rhys and I were. It was plain as day.

After talking to Rose and Luke a little that morning, I concluded they had obviously hit it off on the whole English partner thing, so feeling like the non-existent third-wheel I left them to themselves. I had a mission to complete, anyway.

"Come in," Mr. Matthews responded from the other side. I pushed open the door, walking tentatively in. He was sitting at his desk grading papers.

"Hey," I greeted awkwardly, shuffling toward his desk.

"You want a partner change, don't you?"

My mouth fell open in shock. How did he know? "U-um . . . I don't . . . I mean I think . . ."

Mr. Matthews laughed. "It's okay, I sort of saw this coming." He beckoned me over. "Come have a seat, Emmalyn."

I dawdled on over to the chair in front of his desk, dropping my backpack to my feet as I lowered down. He pushed the stack of papers aside and folded his hands on the surface, staring me in the eyes in a focused, unnerving way.

This should be fun.

"I know you talked about a no partner change policy and everything, but I think the cause is pretty valid."

He leaned back in his chair. "Go on."

"Okay." I shifted in my seat. How did I explain? I supposed I could just come right out with it. "Rhys and I won't get along."

Mr. Matthews quirked an eyebrow. "You 'won't' get along? As in, you haven't yet tried?"

"No," I amended. "What I meant is, we don't get along; present tense. And we will never get along; future tense."

An amused smile danced at my English teacher's lips. I found the situation anything but. "My dear, this is your second day at Heart High School. How much do you expect to learn about him in two days?"

"I know enough, Mr. Matthews."

He shook his head, tracing a picture frame on his desk. It was angled in such a way that I couldn't see who the picture was of. "All you kids these days," he murmured. "You think you know everything."

"Not everything," I countered. "Just more than adults give us credit for."

He picked up a pencil and absentmindedly tapped it against his lips. "Perhaps."

I tilted my head. "Perhaps?"

"Yes," he restated. "Perhaps."

"Perhaps we understand more than adults give us credit for, or perhaps you'll reconsider a partner exchange?"

He laughed. "Oh, Emmalyn, you are definitely not getting a partner exchange."

My shoulders deflated. "Oh."

He patted my arm comfortingly. "Everything I do is for a reason," he explained. "Don't lose faith in my methods."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "Right. I think it's waning a bit now, sir."

"As is predictable. Ask your parents about it sometime, Emmalyn. They could give you some valuable insight."

"My parents?" I asked incredulously. How the heck would my parents know anything about my situation?

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