Ch.11-Convoluted Reality

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Have you ever felt so confused, so completely thrown off by recent events, that you found yourself sitting at your kitchen table wondering when you'll wake up and everything will make sense? No? You should count yourself lucky.

My head was spinning, and for some reason I was having a hard time picking out the details that were undeniably real from the ones that had the potential to be figments of my imagination. For example, apologizing to Emma? That was something I would have never done.

But then I felt the memory of the weight of that pill bottle in my hand, real and tangible, and I knew it all must have happened. Every part.

Emma hadn't been in school for the last two days. And I had actually gone to class-all my classes-on time. I even listened. Partially. I decided I was right with my initial theory that half the crap teachers spouted was useless and boring as hell.

I checked the clock above the oven, picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. Now I had gotten into the habit of leaving on time. Damn.

There were some things that never changed, and Heart was one of them. It was like we were stuck in our own blissful wrinkle in time. I had gotten so used to things the way they were, gotten used to my routine, and then Emma showed up. She disrupted the equilibrium of the place and sent everything and everyone off balance.

I hopped in my car and got to school in record time. There were a couple people I needed to speak with and I was interested in some answers.

I found Rose and Luke hanging out by the stone wall. Talking to them wouldn't be my first choice but unfortunately they seemed to be the only people Emma hung out with. How, I would never understand. Rose was as sweet and flowery as her namesake and Luke just got on my nerves.

Rose caught me approaching first and unease filled her gaze. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Yeah, sometimes I liked my reputation as a badass not afraid to beat someone to a pulp, but other times it got in the way. Like when I just wanted to have a civil conversation with somebody and not have them think I was going to send them to a hospital.

It happened sometimes. Believe it or not, I actually held the capacity to just talk to people.

Luke noticed the change come over Rose and turned himself. He folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his yes when he spotted me. Gee. I hoped they didn't hurt themselves from being too friendly.

"What do you want, Rhys?" Luke asked, stepping slightly in front of Rose. Oh, for the love of God. It wasn't like I was going to pull a knife and fucking murder her.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and rocked back on my heels, praying for patience. "Where's Emma?"

Both their mouths fell open in pure disbelief. I scowled. And peopled wondered why I hated everybody. They all sure made it hard as hell to like them.

"Why do you care?" Rose asked, putting her nose in the air.

"I didn't think I needed to give a fucking explanation," I growled.

Rose lifted her hands, taking a step back. "Fine, fine, sorry. Don't get angry. She finally picked up when I was calling her and she said she wasn't allowed to come to school the rest of this week. I haven't seen her."

I kicked the ground with my boot, feeling a weird sense of concern come over me. What the hell had I done to that girl?

Rose and Luke were still staring at me like I had just jumped out of a space ship wearing panty hose on my head. It was kind of unnerving.

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