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After I say "I'm glad to hikaru" I go up the stairs not saying another word. I just look straight ahead. I don't look at them. Maybe if I had I would have seen their shocked faces filled with regret. Maybe I would have. I go straight to my room. I unpack. What Hikaru said it didn't bother me. I don't care anymore. I have a brother even though we aren't blood related. He is like the brother I never had. I miss him. I suddenly feel the urge for cake. One of my shops is located nearby. I put on my earphones and walk down the stairs. I see Hikaru and Kaoru. I continue walking I'm in no mood to fight with them. I'm sad I miss my brother. I NEED cake. They block my path. I sigh. I take out my earphones and ask, "What do you need? Why are you blocking my path?." They both ask " Since when can you tell us apart?". I am shocked. I can see there faces filled with regret. It suddenly makes a bit of sense. I get a bit angry but don't show it. They thought I couldn't tell them apart. Is that why they treated me so badly? For the first time in a long time. I feel like crying. Memories of my childhood flood my mind. I hold it in and ask " why do you care?". They stay silent. I continued to talk I said in a firm voice." I have always been able to tell you two apart." I walk out. Wiping one sole tear that fell. I say to myself I'm stronger than this. I will never cry again for them. I walked out I didn't see there faces. The regret on their faces. The sadness on their faces. Or the tears that fell.
( I'll update the next chapter today as well)

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