Chapter 2

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We are half was to my dads.  We have been driving from like five hours and I have to pee really bad.  I don't want to tell anyone because I'm the only girl.  My dad has a old type of truck where there is only a front seat.  So that means I have to sit in the middle.  Almost on my brothers lap so I don't touch my dad.  And I wiggle a lot when I have to pee..... So..... This ride has not been fun.
     We finally stop at a store where I use the bathroom.  I also buy me some food.  We load back up and continue our little journey to the country side.
    As we approach his ranch I see hundreds of horses run free in the fence.  I see tall green grass flow in the wind.  Tall tress with little kids playing beneath them.  The bright blue sky.  It's hard to find a day like this in the city.  So quite.  Peaceful.  Lovely.  Priceless.  Beautiful.  A day worth living.  Now don't get me wrong the city is great but here is is is amazing and I have only been here a few mins.  It is nothing like I expected.   Then the day gets better!  I see his face.  A tall young man.  Dark brown hair.  Eyes so blue you can see them miles away.  A face so smooth you can rub it for days.  The perfect body.  Eight pack and all.  Riding on a tall black horse with two white ones following behind.

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