Chapter 3

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We make our way into the house for the first time. It's gorgeous. At least three stories high just by the looks of it outside. White walls and fence post. The perfect house for a country land. So far I thought this place was going to be amazing. For my brother was still not impressed until he sees the girls next door.
We walk inside and it is better on the inside that it is on the out. My dad shows me and my brother to our room. Of course every guy thinks that every girls just loves pink. I don't. My room was pink. Pink covers, curtains and even the floor. I don't like it but I will just have to suck it up.
After unpacking I go outside to find that guy again. Still on the horse he walks up to me and asked if I was around here. I tell him why me and my brother was here. He looks at me and says, "I have been here for two years. I don't need a little girl in my way. Just stay away and I'll be happy." As he rides away I can't stop thanking of how much he is a jerk. He is a very attractive jerk.
My dad later asks me if I would like to learn how to ride. I was not sure but I said yes and follow him. He brings out a tall brown and black horse and I amount him. The horse starts to walk and I hold on the his hair. He starts to run. I scream. My dad runs after the horse. Not able to catch him. The jerk guy rides his horse behind me trying to catch the horse. Still nothing. Then I jump.

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