Chapter 4: Liz IV

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Liz was cleaning and unpacking some new curios into a large, old china cabinet inside of Dolan & Sons Antiques, or at least this is what she had started doing before she was distracted by her neighbor outside the gold-lettered window of her store. For the past few minutes, Liz had been attempting to subtly observe Steve in his navy baseball cap speaking to a woman with short, bright red hair with her back to Liz.

From her vantage point behind the cabinet, Liz peered around with one eye and noticed that Steve was holding two "to-go" cups with lids in his hands. His expression looked tired. Steve's lips started moving, then stopped a moment later. He must not have liked what the redhead was saying because Steve started shaking his head, said something else, and walked past her. The redhead turned. Liz thought for a brief second that her face looked familiar, but when the redhead's eyes met hers, Liz quickly withdrew behind the china cabinet as she heard the front door of the shop chime open. Liz peered around the opposite side of the cabinet.

"Hey, Steve," she greeted, aiming for nonchalance, though admittedly, she was nervous she may have been caught spying. In her defense, it seemed like a very tense exchange, and Liz had slightly started to worry.

Steve found her and smiled, "Good morning." He started making his way to the rear of the shop.

Liz waited until Steve had reached her side of the cabinet, "What can I do for you?" She finished polishing an amethyst glass vase and set it on one of the shelves within the china cabinet. She wanted to ask what had gone on outside but thought better of it. She could be an ex-girlfriend... Liz pondered to herself.

"I, um... I wanted to thank you for helping me with my mobile phone again yesterday," Steve extended one of the cups he was holding, "I hope you like coffee?" Liz had come across Steve by the mailboxes in the apartment building's entrance hall a few days ago. His eyebrows had been furrowed and directed at a new smartphone with which he was struggling. She had been teaching him about some of the features and answering his questions daily ever since.

Liz smiled, surprised, "Oh, yes! You didn't have to do that," her fingers grazed his as she accepted the warm cup with both hands, "But thank you. I was thinking about going for a cup soon." She took a sip. The coffee had already cooled to a drinkable temperature. She tasted cream and sugar, just how she preferred.

"Thinking, with no intention of actually going for several hours," Steve ventured with what might have been a smirk he was trying to hold back.

Liz picked up the now empty box that had been filled with items she had been cleaning and putting on display with one hand and started walking toward the door to the back room half-turned towards Steve, "Pops always reminds me to take a break sooner or later." Liz glanced out the gold-lettered window. The redhead was nowhere in sight. Liz found that fact relieving.

"You certainly do keep busy." Steve still had a small smile. He was slowly following her toward the glass counter that ran along the side of the shop from the door to the back room to the gold-lettered window in front, perusing the aisle as he went.

"Someone's got to keep this place in order. Pops is no spring chicken anymore," Liz said jokingly and opened the back door without looking.

"I heard that, young lady!" Pops scolded in a mocking tone. Liz jumped as she almost walked into him.

"Sorry, Pops," Liz chuckled lightly.

"No blood, no foul, Sunshine." The old man smiled as he stood in the doorway carrying his cane off the ground. "The dining server I re-stained yesterday is ready to come out. Would you help me move it?"

"You know I don't want you doing any heavy lifting, Pops." Liz was adamant. The last time Pops had tried to move something too large, it was a miracle a dresser had not completely crushed his foot. Pops had started using the cane after being sentenced to a soft cast for almost two months by his doctor. Pops had only been free of the brace a few weeks now, but Liz insisted that he keep the cane near him until the dull twinge in his step was completely gone, and the old man indulged her.

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