Chapter 5: Liz V

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Liz wove in and out of people on her way towards the escalator that would take her out of the Metro station. This particular stop was closer to the central part of Washington, D.C., and much busier as a result. The crowd did not help the foul mood that had taken hold during her ride with Jason.

Arrogant... Two-faced... Childish... were some of the kinder adjectives that came to Liz's mind as she decided to bypass the crowded escalator in favor of the stairs, And yet he can still sway your emotions with little more than a look... Liz shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts. She would be damned if she was going to let him stay rent-free in her mind. She was unsuccessful. I need to find a distraction...

Liz walked a few blocks briskly until she came upon the front entrance of St. Hedwig's Catholic School. She waited a few moments at her usual spot near the school bus drop-off until students began to spill out of the front entrance of the school and down the white stone steps.

"Lizzie!" Emma ran up to Liz and hugged her around the middle, instantly making Liz smile.

"Hey Emma, how was your day? Where's your brother?"

Liz saw Billy walking up to them slowly. His head was bent low as if he were trying to hide his face, and his white school shirt was untucked from his uniform khakis. A backpack was slung lazily across one shoulder with one hand holding it in place. In the other, he clutched a slightly crumpled-looking envelope.

"He didn't have a good day..." Emma tried to explain, her face falling. In contrast to her brother, her uniformed ensemble looked positively pristine.

Liz bent down to Billy's level and noticed a discoloration near what she could see of his left eye.

"Billy, what happened? Let me see you..." Liz ever so gently lifted Billy's chin so that he would look at her. He did not try to fight it, though his eyes continued to look away, ashamed. Liz saw what was unmistakably a bruise covering Billy's left eyebrow, temple, and upper cheek.

"Teddy Thompson punched him in the face," Emma volunteered brashly.

"Is this the same kid who's been giving you a hard time the last couple weeks?" Liz's tone was sharp. She thought of the twins as the little brother and sister that she had never had, and protective-big-sister mode was starting to kick into high gear. She was not usually like this, but Liz had not been having the best of days so far, and this new development was not helping her Irish temperament.

Billy just nodded and let his gaze fall to his feet. Liz stood up and started walking determinedly towards the front of the school. The twins ran after her.

"Lizzie, where are you going?" Billy was jogging next to her to keep up with her pace.

Liz's mind was made up, "I want to speak to your teacher about this."

"No, wait!" Billy tugged on her hand for her to stop, and Liz complied, "They already called mom and gave me a note," he waved the rumpled envelope he was holding up for Liz to see, "Can we just go home?"

Liz softened when she saw the earnest look on Billy's face. It was an expression of just wanting the day to be over and done with. On second thought, Liz doubted anyone at the school would be willing to talk to her anyway since she was not his parent and legally had no business getting involved. She sighed.

"Of course," Liz smiled at him and began going through their typical pick-up checklist, "Do you guys have all your books? Lunchboxes? Blazers?" The twins smiled and nodded at each pause, "Then let's go home."

Some walking, a ride on the Metro, and a bit more walking later, Liz, Billy, and Emma were back at the apartment building.

"Do you think mom would let me take karate lessons?" Billy voiced hopefully as they climbed the stairs, "Then I could kick Teddy Thompson's butt!"

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