Chapter 7 : first day may or may not be a disaster

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When I got out of my flashback I had one tear falling from my eye, now iam really scared being with a demon.

"my lady are you alright?"Sebastian asked walking up to me.

"Don't call me 'my lady' just say my name!" I said turning away to not face him, it was the middle of the night, and out of no where I lose control 'demon side' I smacked sebastian in the face and got up my eyes turning pink and my nails become black and sharpe.

"____ are you alright?" Sebastian asked me I then break the mirror until sebastian grabbed me by the hand and looked at my eyes and hands and gasped he then said "did this ever happen before?"

I nodded and my eyes become normal and my nails as well "get to bed I need to call someone."he said and was about to walk out side the door ,but then again remembered that he couldn't leave me alone so he took my hand and we found a phone near bye and call the hotel William was staying in.


Sebastian pov...

"God dam it William pick u-"

"Hello?" I heard him speak "finally you pick up"
"What is it sebastian ..... is it _____ what happen what did you do!" He yelled from the phone

"Clam down William it's ok, but why didn't you tell me she didn't learn how to control her demon features!" I said to him

"Oops seems like I forgot to tell you that but now tht you know good night oh and one more thing the angels name was Joe." Then William hang up on me witch made me mad but I didn't care much I turned to see _____ but she was gone!

I ran threw the whole manor to find blood trails I sense it was ____ I continued to follow the sent and it went into my room I opened the door and saw a guy wearing all white holding up ______ .

I saw that her eyes were well all black not a spec of white and there was blood coming down from her eyes. "Ah yes keep your eyes that color I can get a fortune from you" the man said I spected that he was Joe

"Let her go!" I said not to loud to wake young master "Hmm I was expecting that lowsy reaper but ok" he said

"Let her go" i reaped maybe a little loud then her eyes went but to her old color and she looked at me.

"Nah..... iama just go " he said and ran out the window

I raced to the window and 'in demon speed' I caught him by the hair "ouch! let go!" He yelled

I punched him in the face and he then fell backward and I took ____ and carried her back to the manor "are you alright!?" I asked her she nodded scarly

"Hmm-'' I said as I looked at her "ok let's go and wake the young master , and umm I will make you a piece of cake to eat" I said trying to cheer her up. I wasn't good with children tht much but she nodded and instead of holding my hand she held my tail coat .

I looked back at her every minute just to make sure she's alright

when we got to young masters bed room I opened the door and let her in, she sat on a chair and just stared out the window as I woke young master .

" young master it's time to wake up, we have a busy schedule today " I said as he woke up

"*yawn* alright tell me" he said and I told him our schedule "well we first must go to the under taker for you know what, and then we an guest coming over for the afternoon and night " I said and he nodded and then he saw ___ " Sebastian what is she doing here" he asked me as I put on his last shoe. And tie

"Well William told me to never leave her alone and I didn't and early at night we had a unexpected guest"

"Who?" He asked "joe." ____said ciel looked at me in confusion "whos he?"he asked "he was the angel William warned us about" I replied

He nodded not wanting to know more. As he got up ____ got up as well and followed me and him to the study room " young master I will prepare a carriage for heading to the undertaker."I said and bowed down and waited for his response "Alright then but leave the child I would like to talk to her" he said I nodded again and said "yes my lord" and I left _____ and she just stood there . Still scareness in her eyes as I left.

Your pov...

As sebastian left I felt scared a little more than I already was "please have a seat" he said and I sat

'' so I've heard you are a demon and reaper ,correct?" He said I nodded " do you know anything from your past or remember" he asked hmm these are some personal questions

"Um, yes I do know, but I try forgetting them since my parents died" I said I mostly hated humans because they killed my family. " ok then, do you know any related reapers or demons you know that are still alive?" He asked omg stop with the question j feel like a prisoner "umm yes but I do not care for them and they shouldn't either" I said

"But won't you like to be near family?"he asked " no why I have a new family William ,grell and ,ronald I don't need any more people in my life and I don't wish to."I said and turned away and the sebastian came upstairs with tea and cake for two but what about the carriage "young master my apologies but you must first eat then leave you as well ____"he said looking at me

I nodded and took the cake only I wasn't a fan of tea I set it down on a table and took a bit "blah!" I spit it out " what is something wrong with your cake?" They both asked me I said "sorry Iam not used to eating normal human food us ally William puts reaper scent and powder in it and sometimes demons scent and pod-" " powder" Sebastian said with me "Aye I think I have some with me I will go check." He said

"No its ok iam not partly hungry anyway " I said and he nodded


As we got into the carriege I sat at corner across ciel and sebastian driving at the top.


We then reached the undertaker place I was happy because since either know the undertaker he can give me some reaper scent powder like he gave William.

Sebastian opened the door and I ran in and went near a coffin and opened it and found the undertaker in it "ah you found me again, your really good at this!?" He said and I smiled and hugged him "oh phamtohive nice to see you again" Undertaker says "hmm, looks like you two know each other?." Ciel said "oh right why isn't William with you again I forgot"

"Because he had to go find the reaper monster thing ingy "I said he nodded "ok what can I do for you?" He asked turning to sebastian and ciel. As they all talked I went into the room undertaker let's me go into
'the fun town' he calls it I entered with out letting them know and undertaker didn't care either did William care if I was alone in here ,this was like my very own place to stay

I went to the book self and got my favorite book 'reapers and demons history' i always read the book it was my favorite after al then i heard laghter i didnt bother to check what happend I then heard undertaker call my name"______!" He yelled I ran to him with my book.

"Ah there you are, I see you got your book" Undertaker said looking at the book. "Ok were done here come on _____ let's get in the carriage " ciel said and sebastian held the door.

Before I the left I ran to undertaker and asked him " hey do you have any reaper scent powder?"it whispered into his ear he gave me a small warm smile and nodded and handed me two bottles I thanked him and ran off.


Hey guys iam busy with my HW but I decided you all need another chapter out so here we are hope you enjoy it.

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