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(This was the first idea I've had in ages. This as if they were criminals.)
Amelia updated her status:
Okay everyone lets go to the bank
Connor: way ahead of you
Travis: hurry up run before they spot us
Larkin: Leo and I have already robbed the museum
Vanessa: we don't need any lame bones guys
Leo: we stole priceless artifacts
Clara: nice
Percy: we're about to rob the jewelry store
Annabeth: everything has been perfectly planned out
Luna: Amelia I'll meet you at the bank
Amelia: actually I'm with Megan and Marlene
Megan: Oh no I think I hear the sirens
Marlene: run
Leo: hurry I have an escape van
Megan: I see the van
Luna: anyone wanna come help me rob a pawn shop
Yasmine: sure I'm not doing anything
Piper: I'm at the car dealers
Jason: put the phone down and drive!!!!!!
Piper: bye
Amelia: come on Leo drive faster
Leo: I am
Marlene: The cops are gaining on us
Luna: Oh no he has a gun
Piper: Help the cops have us surrounded
Lucy: Run Clara
Clara: I'm running as fast as I can
---Off Facebook---
Leo tried to drive Amelia, Larkin, Megan and Marlene, the cops quickly gaining on them. They suddenly realized they were surrounded. Amelia pulled out her gun. "This is the _________ police department. Come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded, put your weapons down, put your weapons down! ready men fire."

Percy and Annabeth had met up with Piper and Jason. The had the cops chasing them. "Drive faster!" Jason screamed as he looked back. "I think we're surrounded." Percy said. "Get your guns ready." Piper said as she loaded her gun. They came out of the car with there weapons on their back pockets. Jason was the first to grab his gun. "This is the _________ police department. Come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded, put your weapons down, put your weapons down! ready men fire."

Lucy, Clara, and Vanessa had met up with Luna, Yasmine, Connor and Travis. "I think we lost them." Travis said as they turned down a dark alley.
"They're in the alley." A cop shouted." They quickly ran out and realize they were surrounded. They grabbed their weapons and prepared to shoot. "This is the _________ police department. Come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded, put your weapons down, put your weapons down! ready men fire."

--Authors Note--
I hope you like this chapter, I was listening to the song partners in crime by set it off. I had a lot of fun writing this. The end of each paragraph from off Facebook is a line off the song. If your confused about the end, well the demigods got shot

If demigods had Facebook (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now