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-The next day

-at Danny's

We were just eating breakfast,I order one for mamaRusso and My Wifey,I got clothes for Sadai and Dj,after breakfast,we went to mamaRusso,she was just getting ready,so we had to wait,after she got ready we went to the hospital,they All Aweee and stuff,I gave Sadai clothes she went to get dress while Mamarusso was Dressing Dj,after that,Mamarusso went home and the kids went with her,so we got home,and everything was just wired,we had a Child,We were in Dj'sRoom


We're in Dj'sRoom it's so cute,Daniel was holding him,it was cute, "Dan?" I called he looked at me "yeah?" He looked at me "What time is it?" I asked "3:41" he said I groaned ,couldn't this day go Any slower,just then Dj started crying, "Here is your child" he said handing me the baby "oh so it's my child when his crying" I playfull said trying to sound serious,I held Dan closer and I started breast feeding him,I saw Daniel Staring "Can I get the other one?" He asked "No" just then Dj Put his Tiny hand on my Breast to support himself, "Awee" I heard Daniel said,it was cute watching Dj with his little lips moving, "Daniel can you go get his Formal milk,?" I asked he nod and walked out just then,His phone buzzed up,then there was a Picture of Tyta,Why the fuck was she calling my husband for?

Daniel walked in with the milk,I acted like nothing happen,then I Feed Dj with his Formalmilk, I fix my self,And held Dj closer to me,just then Dj fall asleep,I place him in his crib,and walked downstairs,Daniel followed he held me by waist,we were facing each other, "I Miss you so Much" he said admiring my Body, "You know we can't have Sex in this next 6weeks" I said he was shocked "You kidding right?" Daniel asked "no,it's girls stuff" I said he looked mad but what for? Can't he go days without sex like WTF "Why you mad for?" I asked like his stupid,He got up while he looking at his Phone he smiled "What's that?" I asked he didn't answer he just texted back to who ever "Dj haven't been home for less then 6hours and you already acting like an Ass" I said period walking into the kitchen he followed "Whatever Ima go to the Studio,can you go get me That lather jacket" he asked "Why don't you call Tyta to get it for you" I mumbled Walking upstairs to get his stupid jacket,I got it and went downstairs and gave it to her "Keep Tyta out of your mouth" he said walking to the door,not even with Byeee he left,I walked outside to watch him pulling out of the Driving way to the road "Meow" I heard I turned around to face to face with a Cute kitten..WAIT my kitten (In one of the earlier episode I mention it) she look so grown (I forgot the Kitten name) I carried inside,

(1month later)

It's been 3hours,it's 6PM Daniel haven't text me or anything,Just then a Door bell Rang I went to open it and Daniel walked in with a red headed Rihanna wanna be girl her face looks familiar ,I let them In Daniel tried to hug me but I pushed him aside,the girl walked in and exam the house😑I walked into the kitchen And Daniel followed "Who is she?" I faced him "She's Jessica,were going to work on a song and this movie That's coming up,we're the stars in it" ,Now I know her she that girl from Instagram,Who called me Ugly,Smh, "As in cinjarrel on Instagram?" I ask "Yup and babe In the movie me ans her gets marry have a kid and i want dj to be the child in the mivie" i looked at Him like he stupid,and she has the nerves to be in my house. Just then Dj started crying,I Jogged upstairs,he was crying Super hard "aww Shush baby momy is here" I said holding him with his head on my Shoulder I rocked him back and forth, I sat on his little bed I breast feed for little bit then he calm,I grabbed him in my hands and walked downstairs,I almost dropped Dj after what I saw,He was lipLocking with That Bitch,I gasped and he pulled away, "Baby it's not what it looks like,he said "Explain" I said "It's part of the Movie,we were rehearsing" he said with that I didn't have a reason to react or tell because its his Career it's not like he enjoyed Kissing her,I shook my head and head to the kitchen he followed "Aww my Little man woke up," he said in a baby talkie took dj from my Hand,I got some Apple sous,Daniel was standing I'm he kitchen door way,Starting at me opening the Jar of tiny Apple sous,okay I'm tired of his ass starring like I stole something "why you keep on starring like I Stole something" I barked "Why you so moody? Are you pregnant?" He asked I shot him a An glare "Fine,you ain't" he said,I walked out and Sat on the island Stool "hand me Dj" I said he gave me Dj and just stand there, staring "What did I stole from you? I swear you're starring at me like I'm a criminal or something " I said feeding Dj "You did stole Simething,and I wanted Back" he said I looked at him "WHAT!?" He smile "you stole my Heart" he smirk and I blushed "Look ima go," Je came and hugged Dan for long time Daniel also seem to enjoy it "AHEM" I said Nd they pulled away,she walked out, and Daniel sight "Why you always gotta be all jealousy" he said walking away "Wow,Wow,Wow,jealous? Maybe but what I'm fighting over what's mine" I said he Scoft "I ain't yo property" he said I didn't have to say any other word,I cleaned Dj,gave him A bubble Bath, I remember that I forgot that I left my phone downstairs,I finished putting diaper on Dj and I place him in his crib,And I turn on the toys on top that spins around with a little noise,I walked downstairs to find Daniel in my phone on Instagram,I was standing behind him,he didn't notice me, Daniel may be an Ass but he helped me through Alot and I should Just stop being all jealousy about everything,It's been A month sense Dj got home and the best I can do or Daniel sense his been a Good Faithful husband at least I can Maybe give him what his been bagging for,maybe not today tho, I slowly Wrapped my Arms Around his neck from behind the couch and kiss his Neck, "I'm sorry" I said,I walked around and sat on his lap,Facing him, "it's okay,and I'm sorry I haven't spend more time with you" he said and kiss my lips,




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