Sad little dj

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I Heard my alarm go off, I turn it off and got up and walked to Dj's Room,Aww he look so cute sleeping, I Got closer to his band and shook him Carefully "Get up" I whisper but he didn't listen he Just turn the other way, "Dj Get up." I was getting irritated, "Go away dad,Gimme five more minutes" he said and Put the cover over his head, Oh Hell Nah, "BOY GET YO LAZY ASS UP GODDAMN IT!" I said Putting the cover off of his body, he crawl into a Ball, This kid gonna get it if he don't up, "Ima go get ready,if I Come back here and you ain't ready for school,We gonna have a Problem" I said and Walked out, I Stopped at his door because he wasn't getting up I glared at him "Fine,Gosh I'm Up" he said and walked into his Bathroom that's in his room, I went into my bathroom, that kid better be thankful I don't whoop Kids, Man How did Sadai do it? I finished brushing my teeth, I went and changed into All Black, with a black rosary with it.

I walked back into Dj'sRoom to find him Dressed up all Wrong! He had his shirt inside out,His Shoes didn't even Match,His pants were backward,Agh this kid can't do shit, I sight in frustration,I stomp next to him,and Took every off of him, and dressed him nicely and neath, "See now don't you look presentable?" I said and grabbed his backpack " lets role," we got downstairs I walked in the kitchen, Fuck I forgot to cook breakfast, I looked at Dj "Wanna go IHOP for breakfast?" I asked him he shook his head no "Ummm Wendy's?" He said No "Where then?" I asked him "Where is Mommy?..she's always making me Breakfast in the morning!" He said, Lard Jesus, "Well Mommy isn't here so you better decide where you wanna go for breakfast,Think fast because Time is Money, ones to be at the studio." I said looking at the time "DQ,I wanna go to DQ" he said, "Okay," I grabbed my Keys and we were out.

We ate at DQ some good pancakes and bacon and a lot other stuff, we finished and I dropped him at his school, "Is mommy coming to pick me up?" He asked, "No,Why?" I asked "Because I Like her better" he said and walked Out the car to his teacher,Who are always waiting outside for Little kids, "Because I like her better" kept on repeating in my head. Am I really that bad of a Father?" Was marrying Sadai Really the biggest mistake I've ever made? I need to stop, I drove to the studio to get things done.


I woke With to find a note on my Nightstand, that read "Morning Georgous,I went to work Earlier, you don't have to come to work today,Stay home and relax in that Worn Bubble bath I made just for you,Love Leonard" I smile and got out of the bed, I walked to the bathroom there it was a bath full of Bubble smelling like Vanilla cupcakes,Mhhh My favs, I Brushed my teeth and Stripped down to nothing then I walked into the beautiful bath, I sat in it and tried to relax until Dj popped Ito my mind, if Daniel can't take my child away,Even thought he might Have a chance of winning him because I don't have a Home,But it's not going down without a Fight. I finally finished bathing them I got into Some Black skinny jeans and A white Hoodie that Says "COUGER REPUBLIC" I walked downstairs and Cleaned the house a little bit since it was kinda of a Mess. After I was done I Didn't have anything else to do,So Just watched tv. Time passed and it was 3:30, I got a call, From Daniel,TF he want Now? I answered

Diggy: Hello?

Me: TF you want?

Diggy: I don't want anything-.- Dj wants to talk to you.

Me: Yay Put him on

Dj: mommy!

His voice,Man his voice sound so sad like he haven't been so happy in days,hen it's been a day,I haven't Seen him since yesterday when the physical came shooting,

Me: hey baby,How you been?

I asked him really wanting to know how his been,I mean Daniel isn't really good with kids,I mean he is a good father supportively

Dj: Sad,That you're Not here with me and Daddy..mommy come back home please.

Me: I can't,I'm really sorry but know that you're going to be with mommy really soon..

Dj: can you talk to Daddy,so we can all go to dinner to night..Together?

Without even warning He had the phone to Daniel


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