Chapter 13 - The God of Medicine

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"J-Jellal?" Rick could barely find words to say. Jellal was the last person that he expected to see at his front door. "What are you doing here?"

"Yeah Jellal, what are we doing here!?!" Erza growled.

Jellal swallowed the forming lump in his throat. Crap, she's mad! "Erza, we need his help." He said calmly. "Can we come in?" Jellal directed his attention towards Rick.

"Y-Yeah." Rick nodded and opened the door wider, stepping aside to let them in. Jellal stepped inside and the two teens moved to follow, but they were stopped.

"Don't move another muscle." Erza commanded. She gripped Yumi's hand tight and stood protectively in front of her children. "Jellal, what are you thinking!"

Jellal turned to face his family who were still outside the building. "Erza, we need his help! We need his magic!"

"The last time he used his magic, he tried to kill me! He should be locked up!"

"Erza, I promise he can help."

"How do you know that? How do I know that he isn't using magic to control you right now?"

It was a possibility that Jellal could have been controlled by magic, but he isn't. He came to Rick on his own free will because he knew Rick could help. The only problem is that Erza doesn't know the whole story. She doesn't know that she was killed by Rachael, she doesn't know that a funeral was held for her at the guild, and she doesn't know that it was indeed Rick who brought Erza back from the dead. And the only reason that she doesn't know is because Jellal doesn't want her to know. Erza is a rule follower and bringing back the dead is suppose to be forbidden with even worse consequences. Except this method. There hasn't been any consequences with Rick's Celestial Spirit Magic.

"Aren't you being a little paranoid?" Riko spoke up. She and Takeshi had been silent up until now. "Didn't Dad come here to save Simon somehow? What's the problem? If Dad seems to trust him, why can't we?"

There was a moment of silence filled with tension. "You don't know anything." Erza mumbled. Erza could still remember everything Rick and Rachael did to her. They tried to tear her and Jellal apart even though the two weren't in a relationship at the time. They tried to kill her more than once. They had her tortured just like she had been in Tartaros. They tried to destroy the love that Erza and Jellal had for each other and that was not forgivable in Erza's book. But just like Riko said, if Jellal can trust Rick to bring back Simon without any consequences then she should too.

"Make one wrong move and I will cut you down." Erza glared at Rick and the Celestial Spirit Mage tensed up.

Erza entered the apartment with her children following behind. Rick closed the door and there was an awkward silence that filled the room. Rick cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. "What can I help you guys with?" They've come for me.

"Um, m-my son . . he, uh, passed away." Jellal shifted on his feet uncomfortably.

"And you want me to summon Asclepius?" Rick asked.


"Yes." Jellal nodded.

"Ok." Rick scanned the room, looking for his keys. He found them sitting on the coffee table under piles on newspapers. He held up the spirit's silver key. "Wait!" Erza interrupted.

"Yes?" Rick raised an eyebrow.

"I want to know about this 'Asclepius'."

Rick looked at Jellal for any sort of instruction. He specifically remembered Jellal saying that he didn't want Erza to know that she had died. Jellal gave Rick a warning look as if he was telling Rick to watch what he said.

"Well," Rick began, "Asclepius can heal people. His powers are so great that he's been able to revive the deceased."

That sentence alone caught Takeshi's attention. Revive the dead? He must be one heck of a healer. Erza nodded, understanding. Rick proceeded with the summoning, "Open! Gate of the God of Medicine! Asclepius!"

"It's been a while since I've been summoned." Asclepius commented as he stretched his arms over his head. Erza instantly recognized his voice. That's the voice that's been in my head since Simon died!?! You're correct, Red.

"Ready to get this show on the road?" The spirit asked, grinning. Rick opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"No." Erza spoke. Jellal, Riko, Takeshi, and Rick were left speechless. Their jaws hung open and words refused to escape their lips. Yumi looked up at her mother, puzzled. Asclepius raised an eyebrow at the scarlet haired woman. Erza stood tall with her arms crossed over her armored chest. "I changed my mind. Let's go home."

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