Chapter 16 - Guess Who's Back?

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"Erza, you died fourteen years ago."

"W-What?" Erza was stunned. "I . . . died?"

"Yes." Jellal nodded. "You were killed by Rachael. She stabbed you and your died from blood loss."

"Well I remember her stabbing me, but I thought I just blacked out."

"That's what I wanted you to think." Jellal said quickly. "I didn't want you to find out that you had died."

"Why not?"

"Because I wanted us to be happy. I wanted to forget that everything before that had ever happened. I wanted you to live."

Erza smiled and blushed slightly. "I can't say that I would have preferred to be left dead, but how did you know that the magic wasn't black magic? How did you know it was safe?"

Jellal hung his head. "Well, at the time I didn't care. Rick said he could help bring you back. I didn't trust him at first and he was the last person I wanted to see, but you were more important." Jellal held back the tears that were trying to come out. "I didn't even get a chance to make things right before you died! That's why I did it! I needed a second chance."

"Jellal," Erza pulled Jellal into an embrace. His face was pressed against her breasts and he relaxed into them. "even if I die you're going to have to let me stay dead at some point. You can't keep reviving me every time. Death is apart of life. We'll all have to die."

"I know." That's what Jellal was afraid of. If Erza died again, she'd be gone for good. He would have to live without her until he eventually died. He'd have to raise the kids all by himself. It'd be too much if Jellal lost Erza again. He vowed at the wedding that he'd protect her. And that's exactly what he's going to do. "We should get some rest." Erza suggested. "Yeah." Jellal agreed. The two separated and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Jellal woke everyone up. "Five more minutes." Yumi whined. "Sorry, Yumi." Jellal apologized, "We've got a train to catch."Jellal carried his and Erza's luggage while the kids, except Simon, carried their own. Erza held Simon in her arms like he was a baby. I'll need to remember my own advice. She thought. She told Jellal last night that everyone must die. And that included her children.

On the train, everyone fell alseep within ten minutes. It was going to be a long ride so they might as well. Everyone was asleep except Jellal. Before he was paranoid about Erza finding out that she had died over a decade ago. Now he was paranoid about losing her again. He didn't want his flower to float away from him. I'll protect her! I promise!


At the Magnolia train station, there was somebody there waiting for the Fernandes family. It was Mirajane. As the train came to a stop, Mira smiled as little Yumi and Simon gave her big hugs. "What are you doing here, Mira?" Erza asked. "I have good news for you." Mira giggled, "Or rather for Takeshi." "Me?" Takeshi shoved past Riko in a hurry. "Yep. Follow me." Mira said.

Mira led her followers back to Fairy Tail. "Hey everyone, look who has returned!" She cheered. "Erza, you're back!" Natsu and Gray shouted in unison, "Let's fight!" Erza whipped her head in their direction. "Aren't you two too old to still be challenging me?" She scoffed.

"You're never too old for a good fight!" Natsu grinned.

"Don't want to burst your bubble, but I won't be fighting you two." Erza crossed her arms over her chest.

"I will!" A voice announced. A young boy jumped onto a table. "C'mon, I'll fight you!" He challenged.

"Bring it!" Natsu and Gray accepted the challenge without hesitation.

"N-No way." Takeshi was in awe. He stared at the young boy on the table and immediately recognized him. "Tarou!" He dashed off and jumped on the table that Tarou was on. "I'll fight too!" He declared.

"So Tarou was found?" Erza commented, "That's excellent."

"Not exactly." Evergreen walked up to Erza. "Nobody found him. He just walked through the guild doors and he started challenging people right away."

"So he has learned magic?"

"Yep, but I won't spoil it." Evergreen winked.

Natsu, Gray, Takeshi, and Tarou went to the backyard of the guild. All the members followed and Cana started taking bets on which team would win: Natsu and Gray or Takeshi and Tarou.

"I can't believe you're back!" Takeshi smiled. He was ecstatic and he hasn't felt like that in years. "I know right!" Tarou chuckled. He too was extremely glad to be back to his best friend. "What happened? Where were you?" Takeshi turned serious. "I'll tell you later." Tarou waved him off, "I've got something to show you!"

"You guys ready?" Natsu got in a stance. "By the way, I'm taking Tarou." Natsu told Gray. Gray shrugged it off. He didn't care who he fought, he just wanted to fight. "Here I go!" Natsu charged at Tarou.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Tarou blocked the attack with one hand. "Woah! Impressive, kid!" Natsu grinned. "You ain't seen nothing yet!" Tarou grinned back. His cheeks puffed up and Natsu, being a Dragon Slayer, could guess what Tarou was about to do. "No way . . . don't tell me . ." Natsu was shocked, but impressed.

"Shadow Beast's Howl!" An attack just like a Dragon Slayer's breath attack sent Natsu flying back into a tree.

"What was that magic just now?" Erza was jaw-dropped. "That's my son!" Evergreen laughed, waving her fan. "Tarou, the Beast Slayer!"

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