Chapter 9: Seems Like We're Matching Today.

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I was, thanks to the retrieved wifi code (friendship level-up I would say), now scrolling through Tumblr on the couch. Dan was sat beside me with his laptop, and Phil was watching something on TV on my other side. Besides a 'hey look at this' every now and then and the TV, it was silent. I enjoyed it. I still hadn't gotten over the fact that I was casually hanging with Dan and Phil. That I was casually staying over. That I was casually sleeping on the extra bed in the nerd-room, as they called it.

I still had Dan's shirt on. He said I could sleep in it, which made me blush heavily. It was so SOFT. Ahhh, it was amzazing. It smelled like wash products, and had a smell I could only describe as 'boyish'. We all know it. A warm, cozy smell, with all kinds of different things in it that you can't quite name. A husky smell. I tried to contain myself, but I couldn't help myself. I stuck my nose in it, taking up all these smells. I'm pretty sure Dan didn't see. I hope he didn't.

"So, what hour do we need to be at the museum tomorrow?" Phil asked, breaking the silence. I turned my head to him, quickly locking my phone. A tumblr is something personal. It's something that you sometimes don't even want your best friends to see, even if it's just full of planets of something. "Eleven-ish? I don't think we will spend a very long time there."

"But when will have lunch if you're there at eleven?" Dan asked from his sofa-crease. I felt my ears turn red. My hair was in a ponytail because I was so hot, so my ears were on public show. "Me and my friends normally have breakfast around ten thirty, so we would eat after, around three," I explained. "But if you want to eat earlier..."

"No, no!" Dan said, smiling widely. "I was just wondering. I'm used to eating that late." "Me too," Phil said from behind me. "It's not a problem at all."
"Okay," I nodded. They went back to what they were doing, but I just zoned out a bit. Then I turned to look with Dan through his Tumblr. Doing this, I unconsiously leant closer to him, until our shoulders were touching. He quickly looked at me, and I was yet again awed by the intense colour of his eyes. Who knew brown could be this beautiful?
He smiled and said: "Don't judge, okay?"
I shook my head. "Never." It came out a lot more intense than I entended to, and I saw his ears turn pink. I think I saw his gaze drop to my lips a split second before turning back to his screen, but I probably imagined it.
You're such a desperate woman, Jo.

I zoned out again. I thought about all these amazing things that happened today. About how nice they were. How luck y I was to have found hat. Most of all, I thought about Dan. I hated to admit it, but I was already attracted to him through a fricking screen, and not even live. Like this, in real life, it was much worse. I was taken aback by his eyes again and again, and the fact that he was casually walking around with unstyled hair, didn't make it better. I knew I shouldn't do this to myself, but I was afraid it was already too late. It was like Julian all over again. Except Dan wasn't as cocky Julian was. Yet another plus.
God. Now you're comparing them. What gives you the right? Creep.

Everytime Dan moved his head, I felt his curls brush against my head. I hadn't noticed how close we were. I tried to move away, but my sleepiness catched up with me and I felt my eyes close. The last thing I was aware of, was my head lightly falling on Dan's shoulder, which made me blush one last time before I was taken away by sleep.


When I opened my eyes, I immediately sat up. I had dreamt, but I couldn't remember if it had been a nightmare or not.
I wasn't a second confused by my surroundings. I recognised the plushies and cushion placed upon the -now- bed. Everything that happened yesterday came back to me at once. I couldn't help myself. I smiled widely, looking down at my shirt. I stuck my nose in it. Smell so nice.

Wait. I didn't fall asleep here.

I blushed. Maybe I had waken up and walked. But I couldn't remember. I got up. I still had my trousers on. My clothes were in the bags beside my bed. I pulled off Dan's shirt and neatly folded it, searching for something else to wear. I put some of the deoderant on I kept in my bag and pulled a more simple shirt over my head. It was a dark blue washed off shirt with small pocket. I had also bought it in a red-wine coulour. Not taking any risks after yesterday, I pulled out my brand new Ravenclaw sweater. It was knitted, simple in colour and with a small embleem on it.

I left the room, heading downstairs. I heard noises coming from the kitchen and lounge. I took the first turn, heading in the kitchen. Phil was there, filling a mug with coffee while grabbing cereal straight from the box.
"Goodmorning," I smiled, leaning on the counter.
Phil looked up. "Hi," he smiled back. "Did you sleep well?"
I nodded.
"Oh good, that means you didn't wake up."
I frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you fell asleep on the couch last night. It was pretty cute actually, curled up against Dan-"
"Your point?" I asked, blushing heavily.
"Don't worry. He didn't find it weird. He didn't even notice you were sleeping at first."
"You mean Dan thought I was leaning on him? While I was awake?" I couldn't believe my ears.
"Yup. But then we needed to get you to bed, so Dan carried you. I was worried you might have woken up."
I couldn't stop thinking about two things.
One: Dan thought I was curling up against him on purpose. And he didn't mind apparently.
Two: He fricking carried me up stairs, and probably even tucked me in so nice.

I heard footsteps, and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw Dan entering. He smiled and waved at me. His gaze then wandered down and back up. His eyes were glimmering, and he looked like he was in a very good mood today. "Happy birthday Jo!" He yelled. And with that said, he attacked me with a hug. I was surprised, but immediately hugged back. He leaning over me so my head was on his shoulder. When that became uncomfortable, he freaking picked me up. He freaking picked me up. While we were hugging.

When he let go, after which had to have been at least two minutes but felt like two seconds, he smiled down at me, arms still around my waist. I couldn't stop thinking about his arms. His eyes were a light brown today, but still intense. His hair was styled. His dimples were showing. Then, he opened his mouth.

"Seems like we're matching today."

I lookd down at his clothes, only to discover that he's wearing his Gryffinfor sweater. It's the same as mine, except for the house. When I looked back at him, smiling widely, he looked so excited.

Ugh. This guy will make me explode.

And I just couldn't stop thinking about his arms around my waist.

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