Chapter 28: The King Of Space

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"Oh my God Dan, I missed you so much!" I called out in a reflex before we rushed to each other. Our embrace was simple and felt so natural it hurt. We kind of fitted perfectly, even though he could barely place his head on top of mine because I was so short in comparison. My arms were too low and short to completely link around him, his big hands rested over each other, his arms being too long. But all of that didn't matter. This hug was the most comfortable one I had gotten in a while, and I was so thankful for it.

"I missed you too, Jo," Dan mumbled, bringing his lips down on top of my head. I pulled away slightly to frown at him. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would have come to pick you up at the airport, or at least be ready for you," I thought quickly before my eyes widened, "do you even have a place to sleep?" While I was ranting, he had been grinning down on me, but as soon as I asked about his accomodation, it turned sheepily. His ears turned a slight pink as he rubbed the back of his neck. He did certainly not want to know what that gesture did to my poor, fluttering heart. "Uh, yes, about that.."

I smiled widely. "Of course you can sleep at mine. My couch is the most comfortable thing anyway, so you can have my bed." But Dan shook his head. "No way. I'm not letting you sleep on your couch. It's your place, it's your bed." "Yes, it is. So I decide who sleeps in it. And by the way, you're too tall for my couch. You wouldn't be comfortable."

After a short stare-down, my strong gaze made him shrink and finally nod, accepting my offer. "Okay then," I smiled satisfied, "Let's go. Do you have anything with you beside the backpack?" He shook his head. "Everything I need is in here." He also patted the extra bag on his back, hung around his shoulder and away from my view. It probably contained his laptop. I nodded and turned around, motioning for him to follow me. I started talking over my shoulder.

"As my dorm building is located only four streets away, I walked. I'm sorry, if you want I can take your bag.." "No, it's alright. Not heavy." He catched up to me and his fingers easily found mine, intertwining them. I pretended not to find this too exciting, even though I was sure the immediate sweat that was pooling in my hands was probably doing that job for me. "S-so," I tried speaking nonchalantly, but I found my voice to crack a little as a stutter left my mouth. "How long will you be staying?"

"I was planning on staying for the holidays, maybe?" He asked me, suddenly in doubt. My eyes widened. "You want to celebrate Christmas with me?"

"And New Year's, yes."

"But what about your family? And Phil?" He smiled. "I told my family and they were okay with me visiting as soon as I get back. As for Phil.. he's kind of at Jolene's right now."

"No way!" I cried, taking a turn into my street. "Did Jolene know? Or did he creep up to her at work too?" "She knew. They had been planning for ages. And I asked if it was okay for me to come with after we.. solved those things." He frowned slightly, and I quickly squeezed his hand before letting go. That made his face brighter for a split second, until I let go. But I just fished out my keys, opened up the front door and immediately reached out for his hand again. There it was, the brightness. Oh God. We're both in quite deep, aren't we?

"Well I'm happy, because my parents and youngest sister are heading for Italy in a few days for the holidays. My oldest is going to Sweden with her fiancé, and I'm left alone." "Why didn't you go with your parents?" I shrugged, suddenly realising something. "Shit, Dan, I won't be able to entertain you too much. I have to study. My exams are in January." He mimicked my gestures, shrugging. "I'll entertain myself, that's alright. Do you have a lot of them?"


"Oh, wait here for a moment!" I stopped Dan by putting my hand on his chest and entered my room. I had shown him the two large community kitchens, the living room (there were was only one, because everyone had a couch in their room) and a random room where there was a pool table and other games. Now, I had taken him upstairs, to my room, located behind one of the boring white doors made fun with name plaques and pictures. Mine was decorated with two simple stickers which formed my name and, under the doorknob and written  in a marker I wish I would be able to wash off once I was leaving, alohomora. But right before I was opening the door, I remembered my extremely chaotic dressing session of that morning.

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