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I woke up and found myself on my bed. Alone. I was in my pajamas, I don't remember coming in my room, or changing. I don't even remember dancing. Was that all a dream? I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

Before I was going to relax my phone vibrated. It was a text from my co worker, Josh.

"Kat, Sam is sick, can you fill in for her? If you can come, be here at 8."

I looked at the time, and it was 7:30. Great. I grabbed an apple for breakfast. I ran out of the door and it slammed behind me, which made me flinch. I looked back to see if Susan or Payge would wake up yelling at me from the door. Fortunately, that never happened. I went to my car and drove to Music Boom.

When I got there, I went to Josh.

"You made it with three seconds to spare." He laughed.

"Shut up.'' I playfully punched him.

Josh is like a brother to me. And he's really funny.

"Okay, you have a class to teach in five minutes, I'll get your guitar." He said, then he went into the back room to get my guitar.

I looked in the desk drawers for Joey's files. Joey is a ten year old, and I'm teaching him how to play acoustic guitar.

I heard the door close, "Hello, love." I reconized the voice.

I looked up, and saw a face that I didn't want to see again. It was Mark. He had sunglasses on, but I could see the black/purple bruse a little under the right eye.

"M-Mark. Um, hi." I said not knowing what to say or what to do.

"So, where's your boyfriend? He has to pay for what he did." Mark said looking around as if Niall would pop up.

"I-I don't know where he is." I stuttered a little.

"Good. Now he wont know where you went." Mark smirked.

"What?" I asked.

After I said that, Mark came closer, and tried to take me with him, but Josh came out of the room and hit Mark with my guitar.

"Who is that!?" Mark yelled.

"A friend." I told him.

Mark glared at me and went towards the door.

"I'll tell your boyfriend about your friend."

Is what Mark said before he left.

I wonder what he meant from that.

Does he know Niall?

I honestly don't know what became of my life.

I just want to go home, or be with Niall.

"Josh, can I-" He stopped me.

"Yes, go home, and stay away from that guy." Josh said.

"Thank you." I smiled and went to my car and drove home.

When I got home, I didn't see Niall's car there, but I saw Niall talking to Zayn and Liam outside.

A smile rose on Niall's face when he saw me walk up to him.

I gave him a big hug and he kissed the top of my head.

"Niall where were you?" I asked.

"Oh. Sorry, love, I had to go to work at 1." He said.

"I needed you at work. I was lucky that Josh was there or else I could've been killed or even worse, rapped." I said, regretting the fact that I said Josh.

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