I sit here,
In a field of emptiness,
Is it peaceful?
Is it nice?
It's lonely,
It's dark.
The air around me fills with sadness and anger.I sit there,
Choking on the tears that stream down my face like a waterfall,
A waterfall of self hatred,
Of loneliness,
Slowly drowning me.But every day I go on,
Put on this show,
This show that makes everyone believe I'm okay,
This show that hides the thoughts flowing through my head,
Every second,
Of every minute,
Of every god damn day that passes me by.But with each day that passes i push those thoughts away,
I shove them into the deepest, darkest parts of my soul.
Until I can no longer stand it,
Until I can no longer pretend,
Pretend smile,
Pretend laugh,
Pretend that I'm okay.No one even notices,
It's like I'm invisible,
Even when I call out for help,
No one,
Not a single soul sees it,
Sees how broken I really am,The tears burn my face as they trickle down for the last time,
I refuse to go on this way,
I just cant do it anymore,
I give up.