Electric Feel

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Chapter 4:

{dry, but the taste of blood remains.}

     I sunk onto my couch, comforted by the plushiness of the cushions. A sigh erupted from my lungs and I pulled my sweatshirt tighter around my body, dragging the sleeves down to cover my shy hands. Elliot, my dark grey kitten, lept onto my lap and started plucking at my thighs so he could get more comfortable. His soft little body curled into a ball, his purring getting louder as I scratched behind his ears. 

     A soft squeak escaped him as I pulled him close to my chest to check my phone. I didn't know how to react to tonight, so I continued to unlock it and lock it over and over again until I was satisfied with an outcome or thought. I wound up throwing my phone onto the love seat across from me and dropping Elliot down where I had sat as I stood up to go to the kitchen.

     I stared at the bar piece of my kitchen counter where Mike had only sat a couple of hours before with me. 

     It was a weird thought, that he had been here; one of my idols had sat in my house and had drinks with me like we'd met before. An odd feeling it was.

     I grabbed myself a water bottle from the fridge and trudged up my steps. I wasn't just yet sure if I were happy to be alive, but I was content with what I had at the moment. I was too rash sometimes.

     Plopping myself onto my bed, I curled into a ball and tried to relax. I guess my eventful night just keeps taking a turn.

A/N: so this is kind of a filler since i have writers' block at the moment (it really fucking sucks ugh) and yeah. so i'll update again when i can think of something to actually write :c

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