Chapter 2 ~ Uncharted Territory

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Depression and Hallucinations

After I showed them around the house and where they would be sleeping I slipped away to my personal bathroom to wash the grease off myself. After I turn the water on I turn to the mirror and raise an eyebrow at myself. Well don't you look like a rag-a-muffin? My long (H/C) hair was all over the place with grease leaving streaks of black in it. I even had grease marks all over my face. I shake my head and pulling my ponytail out of my hair start pulling my clothes off and then climb into the shower.

"SWEET BABY JESUS THAT'S COLD!" I cry out as the water falls over my legs. "Come on I know it's not that cold outside!" Suddenly it becomes warmer and I let out a sigh. "Thank you!" I quickly wash my hair and body before grabbing a fat-chick towel off the rack and wrapping it around myself. I wasn't a 'big' girl but I wasn't little either. I smile at its softness and quickly drying myself off walk back into my room and pull out some Pjs. I settled for a giant Stark Enterprises T-shirt and a baggy pair of Doctor Who pajama pants.

I ruffle my hair as I open my door and suddenly smell something amazing. Raising an eyebrow I turn and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where I see Tony standing next to the stove sautéing something on the stove while ACDC plays out around him. I can't help but think about how different my life would have been if he had actually raised me. My heart clenches at the thought making tears threaten my eyes. I knew he was trying but I didn't want him too, did i?

I wait for him to step away from the stove before I say, "Hey good looking Whatcha got cookin?"

"Just a simple dish, I found some ingredients in your fridge and thought might as well be useful."

"Well I appreciate it, I haven't exactly been eating right lately,"

"Busy at work?"

"Yeah, that and some other things,"


"Yeah, so changing the subject; how much longer until I get to eat?"

"Don't you have a date tonight?"

"Dean? Oh he ain't gonna care. It's not exactly like we eat together when we meet." I smirk as I see Tony tense up in front of me. Oh yeah I'm gonna milk this for all its worth. "Yeah you know he's pretty awesome,"

"Really?" He says turning toward me with intrigue in his eyes.

"Yeah, although he's basically a man whore; who travels the US and sleeps with countless girls and has an arsenal in the truck of his impala. He also has a little brother who is equally cute and pretty much a giant. All in all they are pretty dreamy, but you know I can't just choose one."

"Seriously? How much did you take after me?"

"More than you think old man, more than you think." I say as I walk over to the fridge and pull out a beer. As I twist the top off he says, "I know you probably don't want to talk about it and that's fine, I'll wait until you're ready." I know exactly what he's referring too and I let out a heavy sigh.

"I promise one day we'll talk, but until then let's try to get along. Okay?"

"Deal, oh over there on the table; I got you a gift."

"Really Tony? I don't need you to buy me stuff."

"Just shut up and open it." He says as he starts cooking again. I roll my eyes before I walk over and opening the big bag my eyes widen. Inside were two Build-a-bear teddy bears. One was Captain America and the other was Bucky. I let out an involuntary squeal as I pull them out and hold them to my chest. "You remembered?" I say as I close my eyes and try not to cry.

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