Chapter 11 ~ Get Out!

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My body was shaking as I pulled from Pepper's grasp to stare at the person behind her.

"Hi sweetheart," The woman says and my eyes widen as I gulp down a breath of air.

"M-m-mom?" I stutter as I stare wide eyed at her. She simply nods at me with a soft smile on her lips. All sorts of emotions were running through my mind but the only thing that escaped my lips was rage. "Get out!" I growl at her making her face fill with a mixture of sadness and regret.

"(Name)?" I hear Tony say from behind me and I turn my rage bubbling inside me.

"What did you do?!" I yell out as I glare at him.

"Before you get all," He waves his hands in front of him before he continues, "Angry. You need to listen to what she has to say."

"The hell I do!" I yell out as I turn back to my mother and say, "I told you to get out."

"(Name), I'm sorry for what I did." She replies her hands fidgeting with her small bag.

"You're sorry?" I scoff as I roll my eyes. "Do you know what I've been through because of you?" I yell out completely unaware that I now had an audience. "I'm sorry doesn't cut it."

"(Name) you need to calm down." I hear Steve say from behind me and I slowly turn toward him.

"Please tell me you didn't know she was coming."

"Tony called us this morning." He replies and I grit my teeth as I slowly nod. My heart was racing in my chest; I bite my lip before I turn from him back to her. "Come on leave them alone for a bit." He says making everyone leave the foyer and head into different parts of the house save for me, my mother, and Tony.

"Peanut-" He starts but I instantly interrupt him.

"Shut up! Just shut up! I can't-I-I can't breathe," I say as I grip tightly to my chest as it tightens. My mother starts to move toward me and I instantly flinch away. "D-Don't touch me!" I yell out and she freezes. Tony is instantly at my side pulling my face toward him.

"Listen to me (Name), it's alright. You can do this." He says but I shake my head as say through clenched teeth, "No I can't."

"Yes, you can peanut. Just think about all you've been through," he says pulling my head into his chest and gently smoothing my hair down continues, "You are a beautifully strong woman who needs to face her past."

"But I can't!" I cry out again as tears threaten to fill my eyes.

"Yes you can, I'm here peanut; I've got you." He says and the tears start to pour. He was here. He was here to help me. He wanted to help me. I grip tightly to his shirt before taking a deep breath and pulling away turn back to my mother.

"Say what you have to say, and if I don't like it, you have to leave." I say as I clutch tightly to Tony's hand.

She nods slightly before she clutches tightly to her bag and says, "That day all those years ago, no matter what I was going through I should never have given you up. It has killed me every day since. After I dropped you off I found that no matter what I did I couldn't kill the pain it left in me. I was wrong, oh so wrong, to leave you with him. I have no idea what you have been through and I know that nothing I can say will ever make up for it; but I truly am sorry. I mean that." I look her up and down to see that she was dressed nicely in an expensive outfit and even her bag was a Prada.

"Looks like you did pretty well without me." I say bluntly as I stare deep into her eyes trying to convey all my hate to her.

"I married a wonderful man a few years after I left you. We went back to get you together but by then you were gone and I couldn't find you anywhere, please believe me when I say that I looked. I looked so hard I never stopped looking."

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