Steve's Ending ~ Show Me Love

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The Doors close and I stare at them as my mind races. "What the fuck just happened!?" I yell out causing FRIDAY to reply, "You lifted Mjolnir miss,"

"Okay smartass I already knew that, I was being... I don't know what I was being, my mind is kind of racing at the moment."

"What floor miss?"

"Um, mine please." I say fanning my face as the sudden enclosed space starts to move in on me making me feel claustrophobic. My heart starts to race as FRIDAY chimes in, "Miss your vitals are elevated, do you require assistance?"

"I can't breathe, I... need... air!" I choke out as my body starts to tremble in fear. "I need out! Please open the door! I don't care what floor I'm on!"

"Very well miss." Friday says as the doors slide open to reveal that I am in fact on the Research and Development floor. I ignore Friday's words as I walk to the nearest sink and turning the water on quickly start to splash my face. My world starts to spin and I promptly sit myself down on the floor my back braced firmly against the wall as I try to calm my nerves. It had been a while since I had had a panic attack like this. Running a hand through my hair I take a deep breath and look around at the machinery around me and let out a content shy.

My mind drifts back to the faces of everyone I had left in the party room and I groan inwardly. I didn't mean to run out on another party, especially another one for me; but I had too many thoughts running from my head to concentrate on any thing in particular at the moment. How was I worthy of holding the hammer? That was the thing I didn't understand the most. Taking a deep breath, I think about all the things I have ever done and even all the things I have had done to me and my mind muddles more.

Taking a deep breath, I look around at the begging's and ends of my father's inspiration piles and feel myself slowly start to relax. Right before my heartbeat returns to normal I see the elevator doors open to reveal a breathless Steve eyes darting around the room. My heart jumps in my chest as his eyes land on me. "You okay?" He asks as he closes the distance between me.

"Yeah... perfectly... okay maybe not." I say as tears start to fill my eyes.

"It's gonna be okay Stark," He leans down and wraps his arms around me.

"How'd you know where I was?" I ask as I try to stifle my tears.

"Friday," He replies pulling away and sitting down next to me. "She told the whole room that you were in the middle of a panic attack. You should've seen everyone cut out and run looking for you."

"Really? Everyone?" I ask in surprise.

"Yes, everyone." He glances at my eyes and continues, "Why does that surprise you?"

"I... I guess I'm just not used to, you know, people caring."

"Well you'll just have to get used to it, because you have many people who love you."

"Including you?" I ask remembering his words from earlier.

"Including me." He states before his hand gently finds my cheek.

So sweet.

"(Name), I meant it when I said I love you."

"I know you did," I say reaching up and pulling his hand down from my face gently intertwine my fingers with his. "You wouldn't say that if you didn't mean it."

"And what about you?" he asks his grip tightening on my hand. Licking my lips I look from his eyes down to his hand and say, "I'm not sure I know what love is." I gulp down a breath of air as I continue, "I've never really been shown love. I don't know what it really is. I don't know if what I feel for you is love. I just... don't know."

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