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"I cant't believe you!" I grumbled then crossed my arms.

"Um..yes you can!"

"I rather go home and watch the baseball game, but thanks to you, I have to go to this retarted party," I punched her in the stomach and she covered her stomach.

"You're so abusive!" Doreen screeched.

It's true, I am.

I always hurt her by poking her stomach, pulling her ear, punching her places (but not to hard!), pinching her on her back really hard, slapping her, oh, and don't forget that one time when I hit her in the jaw with the elbow.

But that was on accident, but I got suspended after that.

But these things I do to her, she deserves it.

"I know I've said this so many times, but I really want to kill you, literally." I snared.

"Good luck with that." She patted my back and smiled.

I glared at her.

She stopped, know it was a 'I'm-going-to-kill-you' face.

"You know what, I'm leaving." I gritted through my teeth and turned around to walk away.

"Come on, Ali! It's just ONE teeny, tiny, sleep over!" Doreen called from behind me.

"Yeah, with your girly, fugly, friends." I shouted.

"They're will be food." She said.

I stopped walking and shot myself around.

I sprinted to the door and knocked on it.

"Haha, knew that would work." I heard Doreen mumble.

The door opened wide, revealing Carly Stylean.

"Carly." I snared.

"Ali." Carly rolled her eyes.

"I only came here for the food." I said, surrounding myself with my hands.

"Well, duh, I knew that." She replied in a snobby way.

"Can we come in, now?" Doreen squeaked behind me.

I snorted, trying not to laugh from hearing her voice just now.

"Yeah.." Carly said, opening the door wider.

I took a step inside the big, rich, house.

I groaned, hating rich teenage girls and rich people.

"Do you have a X-Box?" I asked Carly.

"Ew, no. That's for boys." She was grossed out by a X-Box.

Oh how I love that.

"Well, good thing I brought mine." I said, opening my technology bag, revealing my X-Box 360.

Her eyes went wide and started staring at me. "You haven't brought games...right?" She asked, want to be reliefed that I didn't bring any video games.

I laughed. "Honey, of course I did! Are you stupid?!" I chuckled, going through my video game bag, revealing Call of Duty, Spider-Man, Batman, Car Racing, and I have so much more in my bag.

"No," She mumbled.

"Yes." I mimmicked and chuckled.

I went to the living room, revealing 5 girly girls.


I'm surrounded.


Sorry, it's short. xD

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