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Was it stupid of me to feel this way? I mean, he isn’t really my type. With dark brown hair and chocolate colored eyes, he was boring. Besides him having the muscled body of a Greek God, I didn’t see what was so great about him. Not to mention the tattoo that he was sporting on his left bicep. Never would I go for a guy with tattoos. Yet, here I am finding myself more attracted to the kid than ever. Even with his girlfriend wrapped in his arms, I found him the most breathtaking man alive. I wanted him, but I knew that Want would never be fulfilled. He was out of bounds. Off limits. Lord knows if he even felt the same way towards me. He didn’t, I knew that for sure. Still, here I am wrapped in my own boyfriends arms and instead of thinking happy thoughts about him and myself, I’m trying to plot a way to get my Want. Yes, I was a terrible person. A terrible girlfriend. 

As if feeling my gaze on him, Jason looked up from the T.V screen, his eyes moving across the room to meet mine. With just that simple look, so many things fluttered around in my stomach. If he knew, he’d probably laugh in my face and tell me to get over myself. Call me a fool for thinking I might have had shot with him. No. He would never do that. Though Jason held the bad boy look, he was a complete sweetheart. A sweetheart that should be mine.

It's never going to happen. That stupid voice rang in my head.

Of course it would never happen. He was off limits, and so was I. So whether we both felt the same, nothing could ever happen between the two of us. Thanks to my older brother, Andrew. If he had never made Jason his best friend, he could have been mine by now. Probably a long time ago if I had realized earlier what type of person he was. I’ve known him since I was eight and ten years later a crush had finally developed. Usually girls would start crushing on their brothers friends the moment they met them, but not me. It took me ages to see the good in people. To finally notice how attractive and wonderful someone really was.

 I don’t know what it was, but a concerned look crossed his face as my eyes held his. Those eyes that reminded me so much of fudge brownies, as corny as that sounds. Arching a brow at me in an are-you-okay manner, he studied my face. Even from across the room I could see every angle of his features. The very shape of his cheek bones. The firm set of his jaw line. His perfectly straight nose and his plump lips.

Those lips. So many times I had found myself imagining kissing them. Dreaming of losing myself in them and letting my desire take over. I wanted him so bad that I ached.

Giving him a small smile, I assured him that everything was fine. Though he accepted my answer, I could tell he knew I was lying. He knew everything about me like the back of his hand.

To bad he can’t read your mind. The voice teased with a sneer.

Mentally rolling my eyes, I managed to tear my gaze away from Jason and fix them back on the T.V screen. Since it was Friday, we were having our annual movie night at my house. Normally it would just be Andrew, Jason, and I, but things have changed. Jason had his new girlfriend, Veronica. I had my boyfriend, Hunter. Andrew, well, he had tons of girls every other week. It was hard to tell whether the girl was his actual girlfriend or just his next one night stand. It was pretty annoying seeing him bring home girl after girl. It was Gross.

Trying to get rid of the image of Andrew with his random hookups, I found myself trying to think of anything that would get the sickening images out of my head. The only thing that seemed to do that was Jason. It was always Jason. Instead of worrying about more important things in life, I found that I spent nearly 85 percent of my time thinking of him. Always him. It was so wrong. He had a girlfriend and I had a boyfriend, yet I just couldn’t seem to get him out of my head. No matter what I did, he was in there. Wherever I went, he would be there. Whatever I did he was there. Always there.

Sometimes I thought I felt this way because I was just confused and going through a phase. Like I mentioned before, all girls end up taking interest in their brothers friends at one point in their lives. Though most do at an early stage, I guess I was just a late bloomer. But as I thought about things more, I was jealous. Veronica Gates was every guys dream girl. She was tall, tanned, slim, and beautiful. Her brown hair was always silky and shiny. The outfits she wore were always complimenting her figure. Not to mention her large baby blue eyes that seamed to stop all the guys in their tracks and make them do anything she'd ask. She was everything I wished I could be. And she had the one thing I wish I could have. I wasn’t just jealous. I was envious of her.

Letting my eyes flicker to where they both sat on the love seat on the other side of the room, I nearly wanted to die inside when I seen her plant a loving kiss on his lips. She was glowing with affection for him. Something I would do if only I could let it show. Once the kiss ended, Jason wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her close as she snuggled into his side.

I was going to be sick.

Loosening Hunters arms from around my own waist, I politely excused myself, being sure to hide the tinge of disappointment from my voice and face. Nodding his head, he planted a warm kiss on my cheek before he let me make my way into the kitchen, not bothering to ask what was wrong. Like he'd notice anything was wrong anyway.

Once I was in the kitchen, I leaned against one of the counter tops, taking in deep breaths and letting them out slowly. I never knew being attracted to someone could have such an affect. It was actually scaring me.

Grabbing a glass from the cupboard, I went to the sink and filled it up with cold tap water. Just as I finished gulping it down, I heard footsteps enter from behind. Thinking it was Hunter, I didn’t say anything. I just waited for him to come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist like he always did. That never happened, though. So instead, I turned around only to find Jason standing in the entryway. My heart did a stupid dance at the sight of him.

 You’re so pathetic.

Crossing his arms across his muscled chest, he slowly made his way towards me. His brownie eyes never leaving mine. Once he was standing in front of me, from the look on his handsome face, I knew questions were coming. There was always questions with us lately.

“Andrew would be the one standing her instead, but unfortunately he didn’t want to stop sucking Brittney’s face off and besides, your little boyfriend is as clueless as a mule when it comes to something being wrong with you.” A sly smile crossed his face.

 Noticing the way he snarled at the word ‘boyfriend’, a sudden rush of hope filled my veins.

 “So,” He paused. “Mind telling me what’s wrong, Elena?”

 “Nothing. I’m just exhausted from exams and stuff.” I paused, setting my glass in the sink. “You know how it is, the end of the school year. Always stressful.”

 I was proud of how calm and believing my voice sounded. I gave him my nicest smile.

You’re such a liar.

But he seemed to believe it.

And that’s when I discovered my two best talents.

Acting and Lying.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading!! :)

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