Chapter One

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A/n: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was busy with some family stuff. I'm back now! Here's the first chapter. I hope you like it :)   -Ashley

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Chapter One

"Are you nervous?" Hunter asked beside me, taking one of my clammy hands in his.

Catching his brown eyes with a sideways glance, I hastily shook my head. It wasn’t like I was nervous about walking on stage and getting my Diploma, it was the idea of me possibly tripping while walking to the stage that had me a little nervous.

"Good, you shouldn’t be." He smiled, flashing me his white teeth with one crooked canine.

Hunter was cute. Cuter than all of the other guys I’ve ever dated, even though there was just one guy. Kevin Mathews. Of course, that was back in 9the grade. I had no idea what was going through my mind at the time.

Looking at Hunter, he was adorable. With his dark brown hair peaking out at the bottom of his red cap and his ears sporting giant diamond studs, he was drool worthy. He had the brown eyes that gave him that adorable baby-face look. All the girls would swoon over him if he ever looked their way.

To bad you don’t.

The voice inside my head was right. Whenever Hunter looked at me with those big brown eyes, nothing happened. Those butterflies I experienced when we first met, they no longer exist. It was like the sparks that we had between us just vanished out of nowhere. We didn’t have a connection anymore. Every moment I spent with him felt dull. It sucked.

"… and it’s hard to believe that after today, our futures will begin. Our dreams will finally have a chance to come true. My fellow class mates, we finally did it. People have nothing on The Class of One-One."

Once Amber Roberts, our schools Valedictorian, finished her speech, Mrs. Anderson, our school Principle, began calling off names. Before I knew it, nearly the majority of the class had gotten their ’fake’ Diplomas and our row was finally up for the taking.

"Hunter John Watson!" She called as she stood at the podium.

Applause sounded throughout the whole stadium as he stood from his seat. There was roars and cheers sounding from everywhere. Standing over me, Hunter bent down, his lips touching mine.

No sparks.

Giving him an adoring smile, I gave him a small nudge. I clapped for him when he walked across the stage to get his Diploma.

I was next.

"Elena Marie Rivers!"

Once more, applause and cheers sounded from everywhere. Pasting a gigantic smile on my face, I made my way through the row of chairs and headed towards the stage while simultaneously telling myself not to trip. After shaking the hands of the few important people that stood on stage, I had my Diploma in my hand. I never thought a person could feel this happy., so jovial

Returning to my seat next to Hunter, he slipped and arm around me, pulling me close. Normally something like this would make me feel all fuzzy inside, being close to a guy like this. No fuzzy feeling came. Resting my head on his shoulder, we waited for the last couple rows of people to be called. Once that was done, Mrs. Anderson gave her own speech, instructed us on the turning of our tassels, said a few more words, and then before I knew it, red and white caps were flying into the air.

High school was over. We were now all graduates, one of many dreams to come true.


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